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Catégorie :Category: Utilitaires TI-89/92+/Voyage200
Auteur Author: TI-Chess Team
Type : Assembleur
Taille Size: 17.23 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 27/01/2014 - 19:27:21
Mis à jour Updated: 04/03/2014 - 17:57:29
Uploadeur Uploader: critor (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 1601
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a28361


What is the TICTEXPV?

TICTEXPV is a viewer for files made with the online generator mViewer GX Creator, or for pictures and animations generated with PictureMaker v1.3 from Philippe Gervaise aKa CandyMan. These pictures shows up with extension EXPR on the VAR-LINK screen.

I have not tried to make own pictures with it, but there are already many pictures arround which are generated by this tool (at least at: http://www.i-france.com/candyman).
As far as I know there is no viewer for these pictures arround which runs smoothly on HW2 calculators with installed AMS 2.05. Therefore I have developed my own viewer. It's an NOSTUB program (doesn't need any kernel or library installed) and it runs on all HW and AMS versions without any problems.

Supported Types

Black/White Pictures
Black/White Animations
4-Grayscales Pictures
4-Grayscales Animations
8-Grayscales Pictures (limited support: ONLY 4 grayscales are used)
8-Grayscales Animations (limited support: ONLY 4 grayscales are used)

8-Grayscales Types are just limited supported, because it exists no stable (flickerless) grayscale support for HW2 calculators and I won't implement features which works only on HW1 calculators.
How to use the Viewer?

There is not much to know about the viewer. When you start the viewer it traverses the whole VAT (directory structure on the TIs) and checks each file if it is a compatible with itself. Afterwards it shows you a list of these files. Select one file and press [ENTER]. Now you can view the picture. If the picture is over-sized (doesn't fit on screen completely) you can use the cursor keys to scroll arround. If it is an animation you can press [+] and [-] to adapt the frame rate. On HW2 calculators you can modify the grayscale refresh rate with [DIAMOND][LEFT] and [DIAMOND][RIGHT] to get better grayscales.
Notes about the Copyleft

This program may be distributed by any other website for non-commercial use only.
DISTRIBUTIONS ON ANY OTHER MEDIUM (Disc,CD-ROM,DVD etc.) are PROHIBITED without separate allowance of the author.

You are free to re-use any part of the sourcecode in your products as long as you give credits including a reference to the TICT-HQ (http://tict.ticalc.org).

Archive contentsContenu de l'archive

Action(s) SizeTaille FileFichier
115 octets bytes build
1.09 Ko KB pvpicture.h
6.61 Ko KB tictexpv-readme.html
3.54 Ko KB tictexpv.89z
3.54 Ko KB tictexpv.9xz
20.63 Ko KB tictexpv.c
1.32 Ko KB tictexpv.tpr
3.54 Ko KB tictexpv.v2z

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