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Supersonic Ball v1.2.0

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Catégorie :Category: Jeux TI-82+/83+/84
Auteur Author: DJ Omnimaga
Type : Assembleur
Taille Size: 14.10 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 19/09/2013 - 07:57:57
Mis à jour Updated: 18/11/2023 - 05:21:23
Uploadeur Uploader: DoOmnimaga (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 271
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a20283


Supersonic Ball is a simple side-scrolling platformer/tunnel hybrid where you control a bouncing ball, guiding it to the end of each level. Challenge lies in getting through narrow areas or climbing stuff without bouncing back, and it gets progressively harder to do so as the game progresses. The game features physics, randomized levels, animated graphics (or sometimes grayscale), smooth scrolling and parallax backgrounds. Try to get as far as possible as fast as you can without running out of time to get the highest score! Written in Axe Parser language.

Archive contentsContenu de l'archive

Action(s) SizeTaille FileFichier
4.07 Ko KB 15 MHz version/ignore_me.txt
4.12 Ko KB 15 MHz version/Source code/SBASRC15.8xp
4.42 Ko KB 15 MHz version/SSBALL15.8xp
4.01 Ko KB 6 MHz version/ignore_me.txt
4.08 Ko KB 6 MHz version/Source code/SBALLSRC.8xp
4.37 Ko KB 6 MHz version/SSBALL.8xp

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