;== TextViewerCE ==; MateoConLechuga Version 1.1 This is a super simple text viewer for your calculator. To use it, drag your text files into the "PlaceTextFilesHere" folder. Then, run the "ConvertToText" batch file. Your converted text files will appear in the "ConvertedFiles" directory, from where you can use TI-Connect to transfer them to your calculator. To run the NOTES program, simply choose the Asm( token from the catalog, and then select the NOTES program from the [PGRM] menu. It should look like this on the homescreen: Asm(pgrmNOTES Then press enter, and enjoy! Controls: [UP]/[DOWN] - Move places [CLEAR] - Return; Quit Changelog: Version 0.1 First Release TODO -> A whole slew of awesome things NOTES: The first line of your text file becomes the title of that file on-calc. This is to make titles more descriptive.