#include "mkhibliba.h" /** * Restore the home screen as it was before launching a software. * * This is function was codded by Matthieu Gallet alias Flanker. Thanks for him to * have given me the authorisation to use it here. You will find the original * software 'Restore' on his web site : http://www.19pouces.org/ */ void h_restoreScreen() { asm(" move.l #0x4C00+93*30,%a1; lea 840(%a1),%a0; moveq #29,%d0; moveq #-1,%d1; loop: move.b %d1,(%a1)+; move.b %d1,(%a0)+; dbra %d0,loop; subq.l #8,%a7; move.w #0x0703,(%a7); move.l %a7,-(%a7); move.w %d1,-(%a7); movea.l 200,%a0; move.l 824(%a0),%a0; jsr (%a0); movea.l 200,%a0; move.w #10,-(%a7); move.l 0xeb*4(%a0),%a0; jsr (%a0); movea.l 200,%a0; move.l 0xe3*4(%a0),%a0; jsr (%a0); lea 16(%a7),%a7"); }