// C Header File // Created 24/07/2002; 11:58:27 /* You want to have a version of hibView in your own language ? Just translate all the following words or sentences and mail it to me : hibou@bonbon.net A little restriction : the translation may have approximatively the same number of character. Otherwise problems of screen dimensions will appear. LEN => number of caract LEN1 => width of the string in font 1 (little font) Here is a template of the texts definitions #ifdef VERSION_LANG //the texts from hibLib #define HTEXT_HI18N_LOG HI18N_LOG_LANG; #define HTEXT_HI18N_LINK HI18N_LINK_LANG; #define HTEXT_HI18N_BOOKMARK HI18N_BOOKMARK_LANG; //the title of the main view, shouldn't be modified #define TXT_HIBVIEW_TITLE "hibView 1.0_beta2" #define TXTLEN1_HIBVIEW_TITLE 56 #define TXT_LOADING this text will appear at the loading of a text #define TXT_PARSING this text will appear at the parsing part of the loading #define TXT_LAYOUT this text will appear at the layouting of the loading //the end messages (in the status bar after hibView ends) : #define TXT_ERR_MEM an error of lack of memory #define TXT_ERR_LOAD_FONT an error of the font loading #define TXT_END_MESSAGE "hibView 1.0_beta by hibou" the successful end text #define TXT_ERR_TEXT_NOT_FIND an error of file not found #define TXT_ERR_WRONG_TYPE an error of unsupported type of file #define TXT_ERR_LOAD_FILE an error occured during the loading of the file #define TXT_ERR_TAPE an syntax error while the call form the comand line : just say to enter a name of file #define TXT_ERR_INITVAT an error occurred while loading the system of files //basic texts #define TXT_OK OK #define TXT_CANCEL Cancel #define TXT_TRUE true #define TXT_FALSE false #define TXT_YES yes #define TXT_NO no //the texts in the option view #define TXT_OPTION_TITLE the title of the options #define TXTLEN1_OPTION_TITLE its length //the option names and values #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE size of the drawing #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_SCREEN size of the screen #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_89 the screen size of a Ti 89 #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_92 the screen size of a Ti 92 #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_MAX the maximum size #define TXT_OPTION_ALLOWBIGOBJECT "Allow too big objects" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM the zoom #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_LITTLE the "more-little" zoom #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_NORMAL the "normal" zoom #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_BIG the "bigger" zoom */ #ifdef VERSION_FR #define HTEXT_HI18N_LOG HI18N_LOG_FR; #define HTEXT_HI18N_LINK HI18N_LINK_FR; #define HTEXT_HI18N_BOOKMARK HI18N_BOOKMARK_FR; #define TXT_HIBVIEW_TITLE "hibView 1.0_beta11" #define TXTLEN1_HIBVIEW_TITLE 56 #define TXT_LOADING "Chargement..." #define TXT_PARSING " Lecture..." #define TXT_LAYOUT " Mise en page..." #define TXT_ERR_MEM "Err: manque de mémoire" #define TXT_ERR_LOAD_FONT "Erreur lors du chargement des fonts" #define TXT_END_MESSAGE "hibView 1.0_beta2 par hibou" #define TXT_ERR_TEXT_NOT_FIND "Err: fichier non trouvé" #define TXT_ERR_WRONG_TYPE "Err: type non supporté" #define TXT_ERR_LOAD_FILE "Echec du chargement du fichier" #define TXT_ERR_TAPE "Err: tapez le nom d'un fichier" #define TXT_ERR_INITVAT "Err. de chargement des fichiers" #define TXT_OK "OK" #define TXT_CANCEL "Annuler" #define TXT_TRUE "Vrai" #define TXT_FALSE "Faux" #define TXT_YES "Oui" #define TXT_NO "Non" #define TXT_OPTION_TITLE "Options" #define TXTLEN1_OPTION_TITLE 23 #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE "Taille d'affichage" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_SCREEN "Taille d'écran" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_89 "Taille d'écran d'une Ti 89" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_92 "Taille d'écran d'une Ti 92" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_MAX "Taille maximale" #define TXT_OPTION_ALLOWBIGOBJECT "Autoriser les objects trop large" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM "Zoom" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_LITTLE "Plus petit" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_NORMAL "Normal" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_BIG "Plus grand" #endif #ifdef VERSION_EN #define HTEXT_HI18N_LOG HI18N_LOG_EN; #define HTEXT_HI18N_LINK HI18N_LINK_EN; #define HTEXT_HI18N_BOOKMARK HI18N_BOOKMARK_EN; #define TXT_HIBVIEW_TITLE "hibView 1.0_beta11" #define TXTLEN1_HIBVIEW_TITLE 56 #define TXT_LOADING "Loading..." #define TXT_PARSING " Parsing..." #define TXT_LAYOUT " Layout..." #define TXT_ERR_MEM "Err: lack of memory" #define TXT_ERR_LOAD_FONT "Error while loading the fonts" #define TXT_END_MESSAGE "hibView 1.0_beta2 by hibou" #define TXT_ERR_TEXT_NOT_FIND "Err: file not found" #define TXT_ERR_WRONG_TYPE "Err: unsupported type of file" #define TXT_ERR_LOAD_FILE "The file loading failed" #define TXT_ERR_TAPE "Err: enter the name of a file" #define TXT_ERR_INITVAT "Error while loading the files" #define TXT_OK "OK" #define TXT_CANCEL "Cancel" #define TXT_TRUE "True" #define TXT_FALSE "False" #define TXT_YES "Yes" #define TXT_NO "No" #define TXT_OPTION_TITLE "Options" #define TXTLEN1_OPTION_TITLE 23 #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE "Drawing size" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_SCREEN "Screen size" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_89 "Ti 89 screen size" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_92 "Ti 92 screen size" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_MAX "Maximum size" #define TXT_OPTION_ALLOWBIGOBJECT "Allow too big objects" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM "Zoom" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_LITTLE "More little" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_NORMAL "Normal" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_BIG "Bigger" #endif #ifdef VERSION_PT //translated by Renato Costa #define HTEXT_HI18N_LOG HI18N_LOG_PT; #define HTEXT_HI18N_LINK HI18N_LINK_PT; #define HTEXT_HI18N_BOOKMARK HI18N_BOOKMARK_PT; #define TXT_HIBVIEW_TITLE "hibView 1.0_beta11" #define TXTLEN1_HIBVIEW_TITLE 56 #define TXT_LOADING "A carregar..." #define TXT_PARSING " Leitura..." #define TXT_LAYOUT " Layout..." #define TXT_ERR_MEM "Erro: falta de memória" #define TXT_ERR_LOAD_FONT "Erro ao carregar fontes" #define TXT_END_MESSAGE "hibView 1.0_beta2 by hibou" #define TXT_ERR_TEXT_NOT_FIND "Erro: ficheiro não encontrado" #define TXT_ERR_WRONG_TYPE "Erro: formato não suportado" #define TXT_ERR_LOAD_FILE "Falha ao carregar ficheiro" #define TXT_ERR_TAPE "Erro: escreve o nome do ficheiro" #define TXT_ERR_INITVAT "Erro ao carregar ficheiros" #define TXT_OK "OK" #define TXT_CANCEL "Cancelar" #define TXT_TRUE "Verdadeiro" #define TXT_FALSE "Falso" #define TXT_YES "Sim" #define TXT_NO "Não" #define TXT_OPTION_TITLE "Opções" #define TXTLEN1_OPTION_TITLE 23 #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE "Tamanho dos textos" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_SCREEN "Tamanho do ecrã" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_89 "Ti 89 tamanho do ecrã" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_92 "Ti 92 tamanho do ecrã" #define TXT_OPTION_DRAWSIZE_MAX "Tamanho máximo" #define TXT_OPTION_ALLOWBIGOBJECT "Permite object. maiores" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM "Zoom" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_LITTLE "Menor" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_NORMAL "Normal" #define TXT_OPTION_ZOOM_BIG "Maior" #endif