#Note : max colors for red, #green and blue with kandinsky #are red=248 green=252 and #blue=248 from random import * from kandinsky import * from ion import * from time import * darkmode=0 bgC=(248,252,248) borderC=(0,0,0) snakeC=(0,252,0) appleC=(248,0,0) if darkmode==1: bgC=(0,0,0) borderC=(0,0,248) fill_rect(0,0,320,222,bgC) fill_rect(318,0,2,222,borderC) fill_rect(0,0,320,3,borderC) fill_rect(0,0,3,222,borderC) snake=[26,26,26,26,26] x=160 y=120 endx=135 endy=120 u,v=26,26 length=5 applex=randint(0,64)*5 appley=randint(0,44)*5 while get_pixel(applex,appley)!=bgC: applex=randint(0,64)*5 appley=randint(0,44)*5 fill_rect(applex-2,appley-2,5,5,appleC) score=0 touched=0 while touched!=borderC and touched!=snakeC: if (keydown(KEY_RIGHT) and not u==24) or (keydown(KEY_DOWN) and not u==25) or (keydown(KEY_LEFT) and not u==26) or (keydown(KEY_UP) and not u==34): if keydown(KEY_RIGHT): u=26 if keydown(KEY_DOWN): u=34 if keydown(KEY_LEFT): u=24 if keydown(KEY_UP): u=25 snake.append(u) if x==applex and y==appley: length=length+5 applex=randint(0,64)*5 appley=randint(0,44)*5 while get_pixel(applex,appley)!=bgC: applex=randint(0,64)*5 appley=randint(0,44)*5 fill_rect(applex-2,appley-2,5,5,appleC) score=score+1 x=x+((u==26)-(u==24))*5 y=y+((u==34)-(u==25))*5 if x<5: x=315 if x>315: x=5 if y<5: y=220 if y>220: y=5 if length: length=length-1 else: snake.remove(snake[0]) endx=endx+((v==26)-(v==24))*5 endy=endy+((v==34)-(v==25))*5 if endx<5: endx=315 if endx>315: endx=5 if endy<5: endy=220 if endy>220: endy=5 v=snake[0] fill_rect(endx-2,endy-2,5,5,bgC) touched=get_pixel(x,y) if x<0 or x>320 or y<0 or y>220: touched=borderC fill_rect(x-2,y-2,5,5,snakeC) sleep(0.05) print("Score:",score)