======================================== = Ndless for TI-Nspire prototypes v1.2 = ======================================== This is a port of Ndless 1.1.1, designed to work on TI-Nspire CAS prototypes running the 1.2.2344 OS. No support is include for basic TI-Nspire prototypes, as we've never been able up to now to get a 1.2 OS running on them. Initial code: Olivier Armand aka ExtendeD - < olivier dot calc at gmail dot com > Geoffrey Anneheim aka geogeo - < geoffrey dot anneheim at free dot fr > Port of the ARM Nspire side code: bsl Port of the Java PC site code: Xavier Andreani aka critor - < andreanx at hotmail dot com > For more information, see the original ReadMe-1.1.1.txt file.