#!/bin/sh # Parse syscalls.h and idc files for each OS version, and produce syscalls_x.x.c if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 *" echo " is (ncas|cas)-x.y[.z]" echo "The IDC files must be named OS_.idc" echo "The output file names and the array variable names are derived from the name of " exit 1 fi armdir="../../arm" idcdir="$1" shift syscallfile="$1" shift syscallfilename=`basename "$syscallfile"` syscallfilename_noext="${syscallfilename%%.h}" syscallh_first_value_line=$((`grep -n START_OF_LIST "$syscallfile" | cut -d':' -f1` + 1)) syscallh_last_value_line=$((`grep -n END_OF_LIST "$syscallfile" | cut -d':' -f1` - 1)) for os_version in "$@"; do idcname="OS_${os_version}.idc" idcfile="$idcdir/$idcname" outfile="$armdir/${syscallfilename_noext}_${os_version}.c" echo "Generating `basename $outfile`..." echo "/* Each entry matches a symbol in syscalls.h. This file is generated by `basename $0`. */" > "$outfile" array_name=`echo "${syscallfilename_noext}_$os_version" | sed 's/[.-]/_/g'` # replace reserved characters with '_' echo "unsigned $array_name[] = {" >> "$outfile" syscallh_linenum=$((syscallh_first_value_line - 1)) while [ $((syscallh_linenum + 1)) -le $syscallh_last_value_line ]; do syscallh_linenum=$((syscallh_linenum + 1)) scallh_line=`head -$syscallh_linenum "$syscallfile" | tail -1` syscall_name=`echo "$scallh_line" | sed 's/.\+\?e_\(\w\+\).*/\1/'` if [ -z "$syscall_name" ]; then continue fi idcline=`grep \"$syscall_name\" "$idcfile" | grep MakeName` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if ! $lastwarn; then echo "" fi echo -e "WARNING: symbol '$syscall_name' of '$syscallfilename' not found in '$idcname'" lastwarn=true syscall_addr=0x0 else lastwarn=false syscall_addr=`echo "$idcline" | sed 's/.*\(0X[0-9A-F]\+\),.*/\1/g'` fi if [ $syscallh_linenum -eq $syscallh_first_value_line ]; then echo -en "\t " >> "$outfile" else echo -en "\t, " >> "$outfile" fi if ! $lastwarn; then echo -n '.' fi echo "$syscall_addr" >> "$outfile" done echo "};" >> "$outfile" echo "" done