Calcuzap for TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition / TI-84 Plus CE by Patrick Davidson ######## Introduction This is a shoot-em-up game in color for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition and TI-84 Plus CE calculators. The TI-84 Plus CE version does not require any other software -- you can run it with "Asm(CMONSTER" on from the home screen. The TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition requires DoorsCSE by Kerm Martian, from ######## Controls Title screen controls: Press number keys from 1 (slowest) to 7 (fastest) to select speed and begin. Note that you will get higher scores with faster speeds, assuming you are able to survive at the higher speeds, that is. CLEAR exits the game In-game controls: Arrow keys move your ship 2nd shoots DEL exits the game MODE saves the game and exits ######## Version history Version Date Lines Bytes Description 120 18Jul13 1425 2864 First release 145 19Jul13 1653 3700 Increased to four levels Enemy bullets move faster Fixed erasing extra row when clipping below Enemies explode on hit instead of disappear 191 27Jul13 2036 4248 Added save game Increased to six levels Increased speed Reduced flickering 236 5Aug13 2489 5100 Increased to nine levels Added power-ups Enabled diagonal firing on bosses 278 7Sep13 2769 5726 Increased to eleven levels 295 28Sep13 3032 6402 Increased to fourteen levels 358 17Mar15 3224 14005 Increased to seventeen levels Increased speed by approximately 22% DoorsCSE is now required Player ship explodes when hit 364 30Mar15 3499 14858 Added high score table Fixed bug that might corrupt memory 370 10May15 3500 14858 Fixed high score table bugs Changed exit key to DEL, save to MODE 415 24May15 3859 15829 Added TI-84 Plus CE version Added sine scroll message on title screen 428 30May15 3914 16405 Synchronized and somewhat increased speed Increased to 21 levels Improved random number generation 450 1Jun15 4017 17215 Increased to 24 levels Added triple-cannon power-up Fixed blue dot on TI-84 Plus CE high scores Scrolling text is now multi-color