; CALCnet2 Testbed Application ;===Standard Includes and Equates=== .nolist #define TASM #include "ti83plus.inc" #include "dcs7.inc" ;===Build Flags for CALCnet2=== #define enableCn22 #define enablecn2eis #define cn2fakeserial #define cn2debug ;#define cn2fakeserial_gcnhost #define PONG_BALL_HEIGHT 12 #define GAMEOVER_SCORE 11 ballx .equ saferam2 bally .equ ballx+1 vel_x .equ bally+1 vel_y .equ vel_x+1 whichcalc .equ vel_y+1 onscreen .equ whichcalc+1 calccount .equ onscreen+1 paddle_y .equ calccount+1 paddle_h .equ paddle_y+1 paddle_drty .equ paddle_h+1 score_l .equ paddle_drty+1 score_r .equ score_l+1 idarray .equ score_r+1 .list .org progstart #IFDEF TI83P .db $BB,$6D #ENDIF INIT: xor d #IFDEF TI83P .db $C9 #ENDIF jr Start .dw Description .db $07,$00 .dw Icon .dw $0000 .dw $0000 ;the routine to open files. DCS will start you here instead of at $9D95 ;if a file is pending Description: .db "CALCnet2.2 NetPong v0.2b",0 Icon: ;a 16x16 icon .db %00110000,%00000000 .db %01111000,%00000110 .db %11011000,%00001011 .db %11000000,%00000011 .db %11000000,%00000110 .db %11000000,%00001100 .db %11000000,%00001111 .db %11000010,%11100000 .db %11000011,%10110000 .db %11000011,%00110000 .db %11000011,%00110000 .db %11000011,%00110000 .db %11000011,%00110000 .db %11011011,%00110000 .db %01111011,%00110000 .db %00110011,%00110000 START: ;main routines set textwrite,(iy+sgrflags) Start_DBLoop: ;debounce... ld b,16 Start_DBInnerLoop: call Cn2_GetK or a jr nz,Start_DBLoop djnz Start_DBInnerLoop call Cn2_Setup ;set up calcnet 2.2 xor a ld (calccount),a ld a,$ff ld (whichcalc),a ld ($890F),a ;show debug info Start_FindCalcsRedraw: call QuickLCDClear ld hl,npsplash ld de,gbuf ld bc,31*12 ldir ld hl,(31*256)+1 ld (pencol),hl ld hl,WaitOthers bcall(_vputs) ld hl,(56*256)+1 ld (pencol),hl ld hl,MyName bcall(_vputs) ld a,(calccount) push af ld hl,(37*256)+1 ld (pencol),hl ld b,'0' add a,b call DPutMap ld hl,CalcsFoundText bcall(_vputs) pop af or a jr z,Start_FindCalcsRedraw_NoPosition ld hl,(43*256)+1 ld (pencol),hl ld hl,PressNum bcall(_vputs) ld hl,(49*256)+1 ld (pencol),hl ld a,(whichcalc) or a jr nz,Start_FindCalcsRedraw_NoFirstPosition ld hl,PressEnterToStart bcall(_vputs) jr Start_FindCalcsRedraw_NoPosition Start_FindCalcsRedraw_NoFirstPosition: cp $ff jr z,Start_FindCalcsRedraw_NoPosition push af ld hl,PositionTxt bcall(_vputs) pop af ld b,'0'+1 add a,b call DPutMap Start_FindCalcsRedraw_NoPosition: ei ;for all the vputs/vputmaps Start_FindCalcsOuter: call iFastCopy call Cn2_GetK cp skClear jp z,FinalExit ld b,0 cp sk1 jr z,Start_SetCalcPos inc b cp sk2 jr z,Start_SetCalcPos inc b cp sk3 jr z,Start_SetCalcPos inc b cp sk4 jr z,Start_SetCalcPos inc b cp sk5 jr z,Start_SetCalcPos inc b cp sk6 jr z,Start_SetCalcPos inc b cp sk7 jr z,Start_SetCalcPos inc b cp sk8 jr z,Start_SetCalcPos cp skEnter jr nz,Start_FindCalcsRandPause ld a,(whichcalc) or a jr nz,Start_FindCalcsRandPause Start_FindCalcs_GetReadyToStart: ld c,3 call SingleBytePacket_SendToAll jp LetTheGamesBegin Start_SetCalcPos: ld a,(calccount) or a jr z,Start_FindCalcsOuter cp b jr c,Start_FindCalcsOuter ld a,b ld (whichcalc),a jp Start_FindCalcsRedraw Start_FindCalcsRandPause: ld b,254 call iRandom ld b,a Start_FindCalcRandWait: push hl \ pop hl push hl \ pop hl djnz Start_FindCalcRandWait ld a,(Cn2_Int_RecBuf+6) or a jr nz,Start_FindCalcs_BCastReqRecvd ld a,(Cn2_Int_SendBuf+6) or a jr nz,Start_FindCalcsOuter ld b,20 call iRandom or a jr nz,Start_FindCalcsOuter Start_FindCalcs_SendBcast: ld hl,FindCalcsMsg ld de,Cn2_Int_SendBuf ld bc,FindCalcsMsgEnd-FindCalcsMsg ldir ld hl,Cn2_Int_SendBuf+6 ld a,(hl) or $80 ld (hl),a jp Start_FindCalcsOuter Start_FindCalcs_BCastReqRecvd: ld a,(Cn2_Int_RecBuf+7) cp $02 ;message 2 is "ack bcast probe" jr z,Start_FindCalcs_BCastRespRecvd cp $03 jr z,LetTheGamesBegin cp $01 jp nz,Start_FindCalcsOuter ;message 1 is "bcast probe" ld hl,Cn2_Int_RecBuf ld de,Cn2_Int_SendBuf ld bc,5 ldir ld a,1 ;message length is 1 ld (de),a inc de inc de inc a ld (de),a ;message 2 is "ack bcast probe" dec de ld a,$80 ld (de),a ;message length is $0001 | 48000 ld hl,0 ld (Cn2_Int_RecBuf+5),hl jp Start_FindCalcsOuter Start_FindCalcs_BCastRespRecvd: ld a,(calccount) ld hl,idarray Start_FindCalcs_BCastRespRecvd_CheckExist: or a jr z,Start_FindCalcs_BCastRespRecvd_CalcIsNew push af ld c,0 ld b,5 ld de,Cn2_Int_RecBuf Start_FindCalcs_BCastRespRecvd_CheckExist_Loop: ld a,(de) add a,c ; ld a,c ld c,(hl) sub c ld c,a inc hl inc de djnz Start_FindCalcs_BCastRespRecvd_CheckExist_Loop ld a,c or a jr z,Start_FindCalcs_BCastRespRecvd_CalcExists pop af dec a jr Start_FindCalcs_BCastRespRecvd_CheckExist Start_FindCalcs_BCastRespRecvd_CalcExists: pop af ld hl,0 ld (Cn2_Int_RecBuf+5),hl jp Start_FindCalcsOuter Start_FindCalcs_BCastRespRecvd_CalcIsNew: ld de,Cn2_Int_RecBuf ex de,hl ld bc,5 ldir ld a,(calccount) inc a ld (calccount),a ld hl,0 ld (Cn2_Int_RecBuf+5),hl jp Start_FindCalcsRedraw LetTheGamesBegin: ld a,24 ld (paddle_y),a ld a,16 ld (paddle_h),a xor a ld (score_l),a ld (score_r),a LetTheRoundBegin: call QuickLCDClear ld a,1 ;don't want to throw a ball at the left player immediately ld (vel_x),a ld b,2 call iRandom add a,a dec a ld (vel_y),a ld b,88-8 call iRandom add a,4 ld (ballx),a ld b,56-PONG_BALL_HEIGHT call iRandom add a,4 ld (bally),a ld (paddle_drty),a ;just as good as 1 :) ld a,(whichcalc) ld b,1 or a jr z,LetTheGamesBegin_Onscreen ld b,0 LetTheGamesBegin_Onscreen: ld a,b ld (onscreen),a jp Gameplay_Loop_ClearRecBuf Gameplay_Loop: ld a,(paddle_drty) or a call nz,DrawPaddle ld a,(onscreen) or a jp z,Gameplay_Loop_NoShow ld a,(bally) ld l,a ld b,PONG_BALL_HEIGHT ld ix,Pong_Ball ld a,(ballx) call iPutSprite call iFastCopy ld a,(bally) ld l,a ld b,PONG_BALL_HEIGHT ld ix,Pong_Ball ld a,(ballx) call iPutSprite ld a,(ballx) ld b,a ld a,(vel_x) add a,b ld (ballx),a ld b,a ld a,(whichcalc) ld c,a ld a,(calccount) sub c jr z,Gameplay_Loop_CheckHitPaddleRight ld a,b cp 96+1-8 jr nz,Gameplay_Loop_CheckXLeft jp Gameplay_Loop_GoToAnotherCalc Gameplay_Loop_CheckHitPaddleRight: ld a,b cp 96+1-8-4 jr nz,Gameplay_Loop_CheckXLeft Gameplay_Loop_XHitRight: ;b and a are both ball x atm ld a,(bally) add a,PONG_BALL_HEIGHT-1 ld b,a ld a,(paddle_y) cp b jr nc,Gameplay_Loop_XHit_LeftScores ld c,a ld a,(bally) ld b,a ld a,(paddle_h) add a,c cp b jr nc,Gameplay_Loop_XHit_BounceR ;if we're here, the left player failed to bounce the ball. ;therefore, right gains a point Gameplay_Loop_XHit_LeftScores: ld c,253 call SingleBytePacket_SendToAll jp PointScored_Left Gameplay_Loop_XHit_BounceR: ld a,96-8-4 ld (ballx),a ld a,$ff ld (vel_x),a jr Gameplay_Loop_AdjustY Gameplay_Loop_CheckXLeft: ld a,(ballx) ld b,a ld a,(whichcalc) or a jr z,Gameplay_Loop_CheckHitPaddleLeft ld a,b cp $ff jr nz,Gameplay_Loop_AdjustY jp Gameplay_Loop_GoToAnotherCalc Gameplay_Loop_CheckHitPaddleLeft: ld a,b cp 3 jr nz,Gameplay_Loop_AdjustY Gameplay_Loop_XHitLeft: ;b and a are both ball x atm ld a,(bally) add a,PONG_BALL_HEIGHT-1 ld b,a ld a,(paddle_y) cp b jr nc,Gameplay_Loop_XHit_RightScores ld c,a ld a,(bally) ld b,a ld a,(paddle_h) add a,c cp b jr nc,Gameplay_Loop_XHit_BounceL ;if we're here, the left player failed to bounce the ball. ;therefore, right gains a point Gameplay_Loop_XHit_RightScores: ld c,252 call SingleBytePacket_SendToAll jp PointScored_Right Gameplay_Loop_XHit_BounceL: ld a,4 ld (ballx),a ld a,1 ld (vel_x),a ; jr Gameplay_Loop_AdjustY Gameplay_Loop_AdjustY: ld a,(bally) ld b,a ld a,(vel_y) add a,b ld (bally),a cp $ff jr z,Gameplay_Loop_YHitTop cp 64+1-PONG_BALL_HEIGHT jr nz,Gameplay_Loop_AdjustY_Done Gameplay_Loop_YHitBottom: dec a ld (bally),a ld a,$ff ld (vel_y),a jr Gameplay_Loop_AdjustY_Done Gameplay_Loop_YHitTop: inc a ld (bally),a inc a ld (vel_y),a Gameplay_Loop_AdjustY_Done: jr Gameplay_Loop_QuitNetCheck Gameplay_Loop_NoShow: call iFastCopy Gameplay_Loop_QuitNetCheck: call Cn2GetK_Sub cp skClear jp z,Gameplay_Exit cp skMode jp z,Gameplay_Pause_Broadcast cp skUp jr z,Gameplay_PaddleUp cp skDown jr z,Gameplay_PaddleDown Gameplay_Loop_NetChecks: ld a,(Cn2_Int_RecBuf+6) and %10000000 jp z,Gameplay_Loop ld hl,Cn2_Int_RecBuf+7 ld a,(hl) cp 250 ;pause jp z,Gameplay_Pause cp 251 ;quit jp z,Gameplay_Quit cp 252 jp z,Gameplay_PointScoredRight ;someone scored! cp 253 jp z,Gameplay_PointScoredLeft ;someone scored! ld b,(hl) ld a,(whichcalc) sub b jr nz,Gameplay_Loop_ClearRecBuf inc hl ld a,(hl) ld (ballx),a inc hl ld a,(hl) ld (bally),a inc hl ld a,(hl) ld (vel_x),a inc hl ld a,(hl) ld (vel_y),a ld a,1 ld (onscreen),a Gameplay_Loop_ClearRecBuf: ld hl,0 ld (Cn2_Int_RecBuf+5),hl jp Gameplay_Loop Gameplay_PaddleDown: ld a,(paddle_y) ld b,a ld a,(paddle_h) add a,b cp 64 jr z,Gameplay_Loop_NetChecks ld a,1 ld (paddle_drty),a call DrawPaddle ld a,1 ld (paddle_drty),a ld hl,paddle_y inc (hl) inc (hl) jp Gameplay_Loop_NetChecks Gameplay_PaddleUp: ld a,(paddle_y) or a jr z,Gameplay_Loop_NetChecks ld a,1 ld (paddle_drty),a call DrawPaddle ld a,1 ld (paddle_drty),a ld hl,paddle_y dec (hl) dec (hl) jp Gameplay_Loop_NetChecks Gameplay_Loop_GoToAnotherCalc: ld a,(calccount) ld b,a ld hl,idarray Gameplay_Loop_GoToAnotherCalc_Loop: ld a,(Cn2_Int_SendBuf+6) or a jr nz,Gameplay_Loop_GoToAnotherCalc_Loop ld de,Cn2_Int_SendBuf push bc ld bc,5 ldir pop bc ex de,hl ;length: 4 bytes ld (hl),5 inc hl ;xor a ;hi length byte: 0 ld (hl),0 inc hl ld a,(whichcalc) ld c,a ld a,(ballx) cp $ff jr z,Gameplay_Loop_GoToAnotherCalc_Loop_HitLeft Gameplay_Loop_GoToAnotherCalc_Loop_HitRight: ld a,1 add a,c ld c,0 jr Gameplay_Loop_GoToAnotherCalc_LoopFinishPacket Gameplay_Loop_GoToAnotherCalc_Loop_HitLeft: ld a,$ff add a,c ld c,96-8 Gameplay_Loop_GoToAnotherCalc_LoopFinishPacket: ld (hl),a inc hl ld (hl),c inc hl ld a,(bally) ld (hl),a inc hl ld a,(vel_x) ld (hl),a inc hl ld a,(vel_y) ld (hl),a ld a,(Cn2_Int_SendBuf+6) or $80 ld (Cn2_Int_SendBuf+6),a ex de,hl djnz Gameplay_Loop_GoToAnotherCalc_Loop xor a ld (onscreen),a jp Gameplay_Loop Gameplay_Pause_Broadcast: ld c,250 call SingleBytePacket_SendToAll ; jr Gameplay_Pause_Display Gameplay_Pause: ld hl,0 ld (Cn2_Int_Recbuf+5),hl Gameplay_Pause_Display: call DispPause call QuickLCDClear ld a,1 ld (paddle_drty),a Gameplay_Pause_Loop: call Cn2_GetK cp skMode jr z,Gameplay_Pause_RestartAll ld a,(Cn2_Int_Recbuf+6) and %10000000 jr z,Gameplay_Pause_Loop ld a,(Cn2_Int_Recbuf+7) cp 250 jp c,Gameplay_Loop_NetChecks ld hl,0 ld (Cn2_Int_Recbuf+5),hl jp Gameplay_Loop Gameplay_Pause_RestartAll: ld hl,0 ld (Cn2_Int_Recbuf+5),hl ld c,252 call SingleBytePacket_SendToAll jp Gameplay_Loop Game_Over: ld ix,GameOverSprite ld a,25 ld l,18 ld b,28 ld c,5 call iLargeSprite ld hl,(46*256)+4+7+14 ld (pencol),hl ld hl,ScoreTxt_Left ld a,(score_r) ld c,a ld a,(score_l) sub c jr nc,Game_Over_Left ld hl,ScoreTxt_Right Game_Over_Left: bcall(_vputs) ld hl,ScoreTxt_Wins bcall(_vputs) ei ;for the vputs call iFastCopy Game_Over_Pause: call Cn2_GetK cp skEnter jr z,Gameplay_Quit cp skClear jr z,Gameplay_Quit cp sk2nd jr nz,Game_Over_Pause Gameplay_Quit: ld hl,0 ld (Cn2_Int_Recbuf+5),hl jr FinalExit Gameplay_Exit: ld c,251 call SingleBytePacket_SendToAll FinalExit: call Cn2_Setdown ret Gameplay_PointScoredLeft: PointScored_Left: ld hl,Score_L inc (hl) ld a,(hl) cp GAMEOVER_SCORE jp z,Game_Over ld hl,0 ld (Cn2_Int_Recbuf+5),hl ld a,(whichcalc) or a jr nz,PointScored_Left_NotThisCalc ld ix,pointscoredimg ld a,22 ld l,24 ld b,16 ld c,6 jr PointScored_WaitNextRound PointScored_Left_NotThisCalc: ld a,33 ld l,20 ld b,24 ld c,3 ld ix,arrowl jr PointScored_WaitNextRound Gameplay_PointScoredRight: PointScored_Right: ld hl,Score_R inc (hl) ld a,(hl) cp GAMEOVER_SCORE jp z,Game_Over ld hl,0 ld (Cn2_Int_Recbuf+5),hl ld a,(whichcalc) ld b,a ld a,(calccount) sub b jr nz,PointScored_Right_NotThisCalc ld ix,pointscoredimg ld a,22 ld l,24 ld b,16 ld c,6 jr PointScored_WaitNextRound PointScored_Right_NotThisCalc: ld a,33 ld l,20 ld b,24 ld c,3 ld ix,arrowr PointScored_WaitNextRound: call iLargeSprite PointScored_DispScores: ld hl,(46*256)+4+7 ld (pencol),hl ld a,(score_r) ld c,a ld a,(score_l) ld d,a sub c jr z,PointScored_DispScores_Tied ld a,(whichcalc) or a jr nz,PointScored_DispScores_NotFirst ld a,c sub d jr nc,PointScored_DispScores_Trailing ld hl,ScoreTxt_Leading jr PointScored_DispScores_Finish PointScored_DispScores_Tied: ld hl,ScoreTxt_Tied jr PointScored_DispScores_Finish PointScored_DispScores_Trailing: ld hl,ScoreTxt_Trailing jr PointScored_DispScores_Finish PointScored_DispScores_NotFirst: ld b,a ld a,(calccount) sub b jr nz,PointScored_DispScores_NotLast ld a,d sub c jr nc,PointScored_DispScores_Trailing ld hl,ScoreTxt_Leading jr PointScored_DispScores_Finish PointScored_DispScores_NotLast: ld a,d sub c jr nc,PointScored_DispScores_DispLeft ld hl,ScoreTxt_Right jr PointScored_DispScores_NotLastFinish PointScored_DispScores_DispLeft: ld hl,ScoreTxt_Left PointScored_DispScores_NotLastFinish: bcall(_vputs) ld hl,ScoreTxt_Leading PointScored_DispScores_Finish: bcall(_vputs) ld a,(score_l) ld c,a ld a,(score_r) ld d,a cp c jr c,PointScored_DispScores_FinishNoSwitch ld d,c ld c,a ;still d =score_r PointScored_DispScores_FinishNoSwitch: push de ld h,0 ld l,c call VDispHL ld hl,ScoreTxt_To bcall(_vputs) pop de ld h,0 ld l,d call VDispHL ei ;for the vputs PointScored_WaitNextRoundLoop: call iFastCopy ld a,(Cn2_Int_RecBuf+6) and %10000000 jr nz,PointScored_WaitNextRound_ClearPacket call Cn2_GetK cp skEnter jr z,PointScored_GoNextRound cp sk2nd jr nz,PointScored_WaitNextRoundLoop PointScored_GoNextRound: ld c,254 call SingleBytePacket_SendToAll jp LetTheRoundBegin PointScored_WaitNextRound_ClearPacket: ld hl,0 ld (Cn2_Int_RecBuf+5),hl jp LetTheRoundBegin DispPause: ld b,64 ld hl,gbuf ld d,%10101010 PauseOuterLoop: in a,(1) inc a jr nz,PauseOuterLoop ld c,12 PauseInnerLoop: ld a,(hl) or d ld (hl),a inc hl dec c jr nz,PauseInnerLoop ld a,d cpl ld d,a djnz PauseOuterLoop ld hl,PausedSprite ld de,gbuf+12*17+1 ld c,8 PauseSpriteOuter: ld b,10 PauseSpriteInner: ld a,(hl) ld (de),a inc hl inc de djnz PauseSpriteInner inc de inc de dec c jr nz,PauseSpriteOuter call iFastCopy PauseKey: ret QuickLCDClear: ld hl,gbuf push hl pop de inc de ld (hl),0 ld bc,767 ldir ;clear the gbuf ret Cn2GetK_Sub: ld a,$ff ; out (1),a ;reset keyport ld e,$fe ;frist group ld c,$01 ;key port ld l,0 ;l holds key pressed cscloop: out (c),e ;set keygroup ld b,8 ;loop, Delay needed when work with key driver nop \ nop in a,(c) ;read key cscbit: inc l ;inc to get key pressed rra ; if key pressed done jr nc,donecsc djnz cscbit ;loop 8 rlc e ;next key group jp m,cscloop ;if bit 7 set loop ld l,0 ;if no key pressed 0 donecsc: ld a,l ; or a ret SingleBytePacket_SendToAllEscape: pop hl jp Gameplay_Quit SingleBytePacket_SendToAll: call Cn2_GetK or a jr nz,SingleBytePacket_SendToAll ld a,(calccount) ld b,a ld hl,idarray SingleBytePacket_SendToAll_Loop: call Cn2_GetK cp skClear jr z,SingleBytePacket_SendToAllEscape ld de,0 ld (Cn2_Int_Recbuf+5),de ;very important to prevent deadlocks! ld a,(Cn2_Int_SendBuf+6) or a jr nz,SingleBytePacket_SendToAll_Loop ld de,Cn2_Int_SendBuf push bc ld bc,5 ldir pop bc ld a,1 ld (de),a inc de dec a ld (de),a inc de ld a,c ;specified packet ld (de),a dec de ld a,$80 ld (de),a djnz SingleBytePacket_SendToAll_Loop SingleBytePacket_SendToAll_Finish: call Cn2_GetK cp skClear jr z,SingleBytePacket_SendToAllEscape ld a,(Cn2_Int_SendBuf+6) or a jr nz,SingleBytePacket_SendToAll_Finish ret DrawPaddle: xor a ld (paddle_drty),a ld a,(whichcalc) or a jr z,Gameplay_Loop_CheckDrawPaddle_0th ld b,a ld a,(calccount) sub b ret nz Gameplay_Loop_CheckDrawPaddle_Nth: ld d,%00001110 ld e,%00000100 ld bc,11 jr Gameplay_Loop_CheckDrawPaddle Gameplay_Loop_CheckDrawPaddle_0th: ld d,%01110000 ld e,%00100000 ld bc,0 Gameplay_Loop_CheckDrawPaddle: push de ld a,(paddle_y) ld l,a ld h,0 add hl,hl add hl,hl ld e,l ld d,h add hl,hl add hl,de ld de,gbuf add hl,de pop de add hl,bc ld a,(hl) xor e ld (hl),a ld bc,12 add hl,bc ld a,(paddle_h) dec a dec a ld b,a Gameplay_Loop_DrawPaddleLoop: ld a,(hl) xor d ld (hl),a push de ld de,12 add hl,de pop de djnz Gameplay_Loop_DrawPaddleLoop ld a,(hl) xor e ld (hl),a ret WaitOthers: .db "Waiting for other calcs...",0 CalcsFoundText: .db " calculator(s) found.",0 PressNum: .db "Press ",$c1,"1]-",$c1,"9] for position",0 PressEnterToStart: .db "Press Enter to start!",0 PositionTxt: .db "Position ",0 ScoreTxt_Left: .db "Left ",0 ScoreTxt_Right: .db "Right ",0 ScoreTxt_Leading: .db "Leading ",0 ScoreTxt_Trailing: .db "Trailing ",0 ScoreTxt_Tied: .db "Tied ",0 ScoreTxt_To: .db " to ",0 ScoreTxt_Wins: .db " Wins!",0 MyName: .db "By Kerm Martian",0 #ifdef cn2fakeserial cn2MoveMessage: .db $00,$00,$00,$01,$00 .dw (cn2MessageEnd-cn2MessageTxt) cn2MessageTxt: .db 0,0,0 cn2MessageEnd: #endif FindCalcsMsg: .db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .dw $0001 .db 1 FindCalcsMsgEnd: Pong_Ball: .db %00011000 .db %00111110 .db %01110100 .db %11010010 .db %11000110 .db %00100000 .db %01111010 .db %11101101 .db %10100011 .db %11001001 .db %00110110 .db %01110111 PausedSprite: .db $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .db $00,$00,$00,$01,$BB,$AB,$76,$19,$98,$5D,$D9,$C3,$AA,$E9,$AA,$AA .db $65,$45,$54,$9D,$55,$9A,$AA,$45,$BB,$A9,$45,$09,$54,$95,$55,$02 .db $AA,$45,$A2,$BB,$76,$5D,$58,$55,$D9,$DB,$3A,$49,$80,$00,$00,$00 .db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF pointscoredimg: .db %11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111100 .db %10000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000100 .db %10111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11110100 .db %10110000,%01110000,%01101100,%00001100,%00000001,%10110100 .db %10100111,%00100111,%00100100,%11100110,%00000000,%10010100 .db %10100111,%00100111,%00100100,%11100111,%11001111,%10010100 .db %10100111,%00100111,%00100100,%11100111,%11001111,%10010100 .db %10100111,%00100111,%00100100,%11100111,%11001111,%10010100 .db %10100000,%01100111,%00100100,%11100111,%11001111,%10010100 .db %10100111,%11100111,%00100100,%11100111,%11001111,%11010100 .db %10100111,%11100111,%00100100,%11100111,%11001111,%10110100 .db %10100111,%11100111,%00100100,%11100111,%11001111,%10010100 .db %10110111,%11110000,%01110110,%11110111,%11101111,%11010100 .db %10111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11110100 .db %10000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000100 .db %11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111100 arrowl: .db %00000000,%00111000,%00000000 .db %00000000,%01111100,%00000000 .db %00000000,%11111110,%00000000 .db %00000001,%11101110,%00000000 .db %00000011,%11001110,%00000000 .db %00000111,%10011100,%00000000 .db %00001111,%00111000,%00000000 .db %00011110,%01110000,%00000000 .db %00111100,%11111111,%11111110 .db %01111001,%11111111,%11111111 .db %11110001,%11111111,%11111111 .db %11100000,%00000000,%00000011 .db %11100000,%00000000,%00000011 .db %11110001,%11111111,%11111111 .db %01111001,%11111111,%11111111 .db %00111100,%11111111,%11111110 .db %00011110,%01110000,%00000000 .db %00001111,%00111000,%00000000 .db %00000111,%10011100,%00000000 .db %00000011,%11001110,%00000000 .db %00000001,%11101110,%00000000 .db %00000000,%11111110,%00000000 .db %00000000,%01111100,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00111000,%00000000 arrowr: .db %00000000,%00011100,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00111110,%00000000 .db %00000000,%01111111,%00000000 .db %00000000,%01110111,%10000000 .db %00000000,%01110011,%11000000 .db %00000000,%00111001,%11100000 .db %00000000,%00011100,%11110000 .db %00000000,%00001110,%01111000 .db %01111111,%11111111,%00111100 .db %11111111,%11111111,%10011110 .db %11111111,%11111111,%10001111 .db %11000000,%00000000,%00000111 .db %11000000,%00000000,%00000111 .db %11111111,%11111111,%10001111 .db %11111111,%11111111,%10011110 .db %01111111,%11111111,%00111100 .db %00000000,%00001110,%01111000 .db %00000000,%00011100,%11110000 .db %00000000,%00111001,%11100000 .db %00000000,%01110011,%11000000 .db %00000000,%01110111,%10000000 .db %00000000,%01111111,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00111110,%00000000 .db %00000000,%00011100,%00000000 GameOverSprite: .db %11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111110 .db %10000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000010 .db %10111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111111,%11111010 .db %10110000,%01110000,%01101111,%11011100,%00001010 .db %10100111,%00100111,%00100111,%11001001,%11111010 .db %10100111,%00100111,%00100011,%10001001,%11111010 .db %10100111,%11100111,%00100001,%00001001,%11111010 .db %10100111,%11100111,%00100100,%01001000,%00111010 .db %10100100,%00100000,%00100110,%11001001,%11111010 .db %10100111,%00100111,%00100111,%11001001,%11111010 .db %10100111,%00100111,%00100111,%11001001,%11111010 .db %10100111,%00100111,%00100111,%11001001,%11111010 .db 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