Best viewed in Notepad with Word Wrap Program: CharMap v0.1 (pre-release) Size: 16 kbytes Category: TI-83/84+ Misc. Flash Applications Purpose: Extended Characters Author: Andree Chea E-mail: /*********************************************************************/ This application allows easy access to TI's "hidden" characters, such as accented and Greek characters. Using a hook, these characters are accessable through the Catalog and can be pasted anywhere in the TI-OS. The only applications that this conflicts with is TI's localization apps, so you should not use this with them concurrently. Thus, it should work flawlessly with Omnicalc/Symbolic/MirageOS. Installation ==================== To install, send the following application: CharMap.8xk When you run the application, you will be presented with a menu. Press 1 to install, and 2 to uninstall. If you have a localization app installed, I recommend you to uninstall it, although it wouldn't do much harm if you didn't. Usage ==================== After installation, to access the extra characters, just press [2nd]+[Catalog]. The Catalog will look quite different: one, a "Characters" option is added; two, the Catalog has been drastically simplified (due to laziness); and three, the extended characters are at the bottom of the Catalog. Just point the selection cursor to a token and press [Enter] to paste. Notes from the Author ==================== * Selecting "Characters" will show a message, "Not Implemented". This is because I don't know what would be the best way to implement it, so any ideas will be greatly appreciated. * The extended characters are temporarily available at the bottom of the catalog until I add code for "Characters". Press [Alpha]+[(theta)] to jump to the beginning of the list. I'm not sure if I should add the new TI-OS v1.15 characters, because they aren't available on OS versions < 1.15. * If you haven't noticed already, I only added the tokens that were only exclusively available through the original TI-OS catalog; I ignored any that could be accessed through the TI-OS menus or the program editor. If you would like to finish it, e-mail me, and I'll give you instructions. Prerequisites: assembly/TI-OS knowledge,, and experience with Calcsys, esp. the hex editor and console "SEARCH". An emulator could also be useful. * Out of curiosity, I've added "PrintScreen". However, it doesn't actually do anything useful on the 83(+)s :) Disclaimer ==================== By using this program, you agree to not hold me accountable for any damage that this program may cause. Please do not distribute a modified source. Bugs ==================== -PrintScreen is an invalid 83(+) token; will remove next version. I put it in because I've never heard of it before :) -Pressing [+] on "Characters" with CtlgHelp running will mess with the menu Version History ==================== 20050325 Version 0.1 -First Public Pre-Release -w00t! My first application! Future Versions ==================== -Add code for "Characters" option (I need ideas...) -Add all the Catalog items (If you want to help, e-mail me) -Better menu system/UI (It sucks...) -Prompt to overwrite hook -Release source (Once it is finalized) Credits ==================== The MaxCoderz forum members, for the idea Jason Malinowski, for his invaluable hook documentation Contact ==================== Any questions, comments, problems, criticisms? PLEASE send them all to: (2*b)||!(2*b); that = theQuestion; Thank you for downloading!