; Source code in this file from Noshell v1.2 ; (C) 2007 by Brandon Wilson. All rights reserved. ;MirageOS routines include "settings.inc" include "ti83plus.inc" include "equates.inc" SEGMENT Main GLOBALS ON EXTERN igetpix,ifastcopy,ifastcopy_start,isprite,irandom,ilsprite,ConfigureNoshell,runProgram EXTERN mirTempByte,SPbackup xdir equ iMathPtr5 ydir equ iMathPtr5+1 wMirTempWord equ appBackUpScreen+100 timer1 equ 8A3Ah custintaddr equ 966Fh curfold equ 9683h savesort1 equ 968Ch savesort2 equ 968Dh savesort3 equ 968Eh numfolds equ 9699h curgoodprog equ 969Ch curprognum equ 96A2h numscrollpixels equ 96D6h scrollbarcoords equ 96D7h old_element equ 96D9h cur_element equ 96DBh old_max_elem equ 96DDh max_elements equ 96DFh rambutton equ 9872h ramdesc equ 9890h copyBuffer equ 98B8h bTempBuffer1 equ 98C8h bTempBuffer2 equ 98D9h bTempByte1 equ 98DAh bTempByte2 equ 98DBh wTempWord1 equ 98DCh wTempWord2 equ 98DEh wTempWord3 equ 98E0h progSize equ 993Ah lastInsertFlag equ 993Ch ramsize equ 9958h tempVATptr equ 995Eh varSize equ 9974h numgoodprogs equ 9991h linkBuffer equ 999Eh packetData equ 99A2h OP1backup equ 99A4h checksum equ 99ADh directin: push af ld a,0FFh out (1),a pop af out (1),a in a,(1) cp 0FFh ret sendbytetios: ld hl,$F call APP_PUSH_ERRORH B_CALL SendAByte call APP_POP_ERRORH cp a ret getbytetiosw: ld hl,$F call APP_PUSH_ERRORH B_CALL Rec1stByteNC ld (mirTempByte),a call APP_POP_ERRORH ld a,(mirTempByte) cp a ret getbytetios: ld hl,$F call APP_PUSH_ERRORH B_CALL RecAByteIO ld (mirTempByte),a call APP_POP_ERRORH ld a,(mirTempByte) cp a ret $$: or a ret version: ld a,1 ld hl,0103h ret setvputs: ld (penCol),de B_CALL VPutS ret pixelonhl: ld a,h ld e,l setpixel: push hl call igetpix or (hl) ld (hl),a pop hl ret fastcopys: push hl push de push bc push af call ifastcopy pop af pop bc pop de pop hl ret delayb: ei $$: halt djnz $B ret multhl: ld e,l multhe: ld l,0 ld d,l ld b,8 multheLoop: add hl,hl jr nc,$F add hl,de $$: djnz multheLoop ret quittoshell: ld hl,(SPbackup) dec hl dec hl ld sp,hl ret fastlinew: xor a jr fastline fastlinex: ld a,2 jr fastline fastlineb: ld a,1 fastline: di cp 1 ex af,af' ld a,1 ld (xdir),a ld (ydir),a ld a,d sub h ld b,a jr nc,$F neg ld b,a ld a,0FFh ld (xdir),a $$: ld a,e sub l ld c,a jr nc,$F neg ld c,a ld a,0FFh ld (ydir),a $$: ld e,0 ld a,b cp c jr c,fastline_1 ld d,b inc b fastline_l_1: call fastline_sub ld a,(xdir) add a,h ld h,a ld a,e add a,c ld e,a cp d jr c,$F sub d ld e,a ld a,(ydir) add a,l ld l,a $$: djnz fastline_l_1 ret fastline_1: ld a,b ld b,c ld c,a ld d,b inc b fastline_l_2: call fastline_sub ld a,(ydir) add a,l ld l,a ld a,e add a,c ld e,a cp d jr c,$F sub d ld e,a ld a,(xdir) add a,h ld h,a $$: djnz fastline_l_2 ret fastline_sub: push hl exx ex af,af' jr z,fastline_sub_1 jr c,fastline_sub_2 push af ex af,af' pop af pop de cp 2 jr nz,fastline_sub_3 ld a,d call igetpix xor (hl) ld (hl),a exx ret fastline_sub_3: ld hl,0FE70h rlc (hl) jr c,$F jr fastline_sub_4 fastline_sub_1: ex af,af' pop de $$: ld a,d call igetpix or (hl) ld (hl),a exx ret fastline_sub_2: ex af,af' pop de fastline_sub_4: ld a,d call igetpix cpl and (hl) ld (hl),a exx ret pixeloffhl: ld a,h ld e,l pixeloff: push hl call igetpix cpl and (hl) ld (hl),a pop hl ret pixelxorhl: ld a,h ld e,l pixelxor: push hl call igetpix xor (hl) ld (hl),a pop hl ret pixeltesthl: ld a,h ld e,l pixeltest: push hl call igetpix and (hl) pop hl ret pointonc: cp 96 ret nc bit 6,e ret nz jr setpixel pointoffc: cp 96 ret nc bit 6,e ret nz jr pixeloff pointxorc: cp 96 ret nc bit 6,e ret nz jr pixelxor centertext: ld (penRow),a ld de,OP1+1 push de B_CALL strcopy pop hl B_CALL StrLength dec hl ld (hl),c B_CALL SStringLength sra b ld a,48 sub b ld (penCol),a inc hl B_CALL VPutS ret cphlbc: push hl or a sbc hl,bc pop hl ret putsprite8: ld b,8 jr isprite fastcopyb: ld de,02F3h add hl,de ld a,80h out (10h),a jr ifastcopy_start vputsc: push hl ld de,(penCol) push de B_CALL VPutS pop de ld (penCol),de ld a,80h ld hl,flags+14h xor (hl) ld (hl),a pop hl B_CALL VPutS ld a,80h ld hl,flags+14h xor (hl) ld (hl),a ret scrolld7: ld de,plotSScreen ld hl,9394h ld bc,684 ldir ld hl,95ECh ld bc,84 B_CALL MemClear jr ifastcopy vnewline: xor a ld (penCol),a ld a,(penRow) add a,7 cp 63 jr z,scrolld7 ld (penRow),a ret rand127: push bc ld b,128 call irandom pop bc ret disprle: ld bc,768 disprlel: ld a,(hl) cp 145 jr z,disprle_1 ldi disprle_loop: ret po jr disprlel disprle_1: inc hl inc hl ld a,(hl) $$: dec hl dec a ldi jr nz,$B inc hl jr disprle_loop ret cphlde: push hl or a sbc hl,de pop hl ret screentopic: ld b,63 ld a,7 out (10h),a ld a,7Fh screentopic_1: push bc inc a ld (0FE71h),a push af ld a,7 out (10h),a pop af B_CALL lcd_busy out (10h),a ld a,20h B_CALL lcd_busy out (10h),a ld b,12 B_CALL lcd_busy in a,(11h) screentopic_2: B_CALL lcd_busy in a,(11h) ld (de),a inc de djnz screentopic_2 pop bc ld a,(0FE71h) djnz screentopic_1 ld a,5 out (10h),a ret fastlined: ld a,0AAh ld (0FE70h),a jr fastline getnextgoodprog: ld (iMathPtr4),hl $$: call getnext jr z,$F call isgoodprog ret z jr $B $$: ld hl,(iMathPtr4) xor a inc a ret getprevgoodprog: ld (iMathPtr4),hl getprevgoodprog_loop: call getprev jr z,$B call isgoodprog ret z jr getprevgoodprog_loop getnext: push de ld de,0 call cphlde jr nz,$F ld hl,(progPtr) jr getnext_1 $$: ld de,6 sbc hl,de ld e,(hl) sbc hl,de dec hl ld de,(pTemp) getnext_1: call cphlde pop de ret getprev: ex de,hl ld hl,(progPtr) call cphlde ret z $$: ld (wMirTempWord),hl call getnext call cphlde jr nz,$B ld hl,(wMirTempWord) inc d ret compstrs: ld a,(de) cp (hl) jr nz,nextstr inc hl inc de or a ret z jr compstrs nextstr: push af push bc xor a ld b,1 cpir pop bc pop af ret FastRectangle_Save: push af push de push hl call fastrectangle pop hl pop de pop af ret fastrectangle: ld c,a push de ld e,l call fastrectangle_sub pop de push de ld d,h call fastrectangle_sub pop de push hl ld h,d call fastrectangle_sub pop hl ld l,e fastrectangle_sub: push bc push hl push de ld a,c call fastline pop de pop hl pop bc ret vputa: push af push hl push af ld hl,(penCol) push hl B_CALL VPutMap pop hl ld (penCol),hl ld hl,flags+14h ld a,80h xor (hl) ld (hl),a pop af B_CALL VPutMap ld hl,flags+14h ld a,80h xor (hl) ld (hl),a pop hl pop af ret isgoodprog: ld a,(hl) cp 6 jr z,$F cp 5 ret nz $$: push bc call dataPtrToDE call copy100ToMem pop bc ld de,copyBuffer+2 ld a,(de) cp 0BBh jr nz,igp_notAsm inc de ld a,(de) cp 6Dh ret nz inc de ld a,(de) cp 0C9h jr nz,igp_noRet inc de ld a,(de) cp 30h ret z cp 3 jr nz,$F ld a,1 $$: or a ret z cp 1 ret igp_noRet: cp 0AFh ret nz inc de ld a,(de) cp 30h ret igp_notAsm: cp 3Eh ret z cp 0D9h jr z,$F cp 0D5h ret nz $$: inc de ld a,(de) or a ret nz inc de ld a,(de) cp 30h jr z,$F igp_end: cp 11h ret $$: ld a,11h jr igp_end dataPtrToDE: push hl dec hl dec hl dec hl ld e,(hl) dec hl ld d,(hl) pop hl call getVarPage or a ret z push bc push hl ld hl,9 add hl,de ld b,a B_CALL LoadCIndPaged ld b,0 inc c add hl,bc ex de,hl pop hl pop bc ret getVarPage: push hl dec hl dec hl dec hl dec hl dec hl ld a,(hl) pop hl ret copy100ToMem: ld bc,100 call getVarPage or a jr z,$F push hl ex de,hl ld de,copyBuffer B_CALL FlashToRam pop hl ret $$: push hl ex de,hl ld de,copyBuffer ldir pop hl ret getchecksum: ex de,hl ld hl,0 $$: ld a,(de) push de ld e,a ld d,0 add hl,de pop de inc de dec bc ld a,b or c ret z jr $B hideall: ld hl,appData di ld a,(hl) ld (hl),0 res kbdSCR,(iy+kbdFlags) ret delprog: call VATnameToOP1 B_CALL ChkFindSym B_CALL DelVarArc ret VATnameToOP1: push bc push de push hl ld a,(hl) ld (OP1),a or a ld de,6 sbc hl,de ld b,(hl) dec hl ld a,5Dh cp (hl) jr z,vnto_isList vnto_continue: ld de,OP1+1 $$: ld a,(hl) ld (de),a inc de dec hl djnz $B xor a ld (de),a ld hl,OP1+1 ld de,OP2 B_CALL strcopy pop hl pop de pop bc ret vnto_isList: dec b dec b dec hl jr vnto_continue compstrsn: ld a,(de) cp (hl) ret nz inc hl inc de djnz compstrsn ret moveall: ld a,(curfold) push af ld a,b ld (curfold),a ld hl,0 moveall_1: push bc call getnextgoodprog pop bc jr z,$F pop af ld (curfold),a ret $$: dec hl ld a,(hl) and 80h or c ld (hl),a inc hl jr moveall_1 Skip_Forward_B_From_Top: ld hl,0 $$: push bc call getnextgoodprog pop bc ret nz djnz $B ret Get_Curgoodprog_Ptr: ld a,(curprognum) ld b,a call Skip_Forward_B_From_Top ld (curgoodprog),hl ret Increase_Cur_Element: ld a,1 Add_A_To_Cur_Element: ld hl,(cur_element) ld de,(max_elements) call cphlde ret z ld d,0 ld e,a add hl,de element_routine_end: ld (cur_element),hl ret Decrease_Cur_Element: ld a,1 Sub_A_From_Cur_Element: ld hl,(cur_element) call HLminusA ret z jr element_routine_end HLminusA: ld d,0 ld e,a or a sbc hl,de ret Increase_Max_Elements: ld a,1 Add_A_To_Max_Elements: ld hl,(max_elements) ld d,0 ld e,a add hl,de store_elements: ld (max_elements),hl ret Decrease_Max_Elements: ld a,1 Sub_A_From_Max_Elements: ld hl,(max_elements) call HLminusA jr store_elements filledrectangle_save: push af push de push hl call filledrectangle pop hl pop de pop af ret filledrectangle_1: pop af push de push hl ld c,a ld a,d sub h inc a ld b,a ld d,h $$: push bc push hl push de ld a,c call fastline pop de pop hl inc d inc h pop bc djnz $B pop hl pop de ret filledrectangle: push af ld a,e sub l inc a ld b,a ld a,d sub h inc a cp 10 jr c,filledrectangle_1 cp 16 jr nc,filledrectangle_2 set 7,c ld a,d and 7 cp 7 jr nz,filledrectangle_3 filledrectangle_2: ld a,h and 0F8h ld c,a ld a,d sub c srl a srl a srl a dec a ld c,a filledrectangle_3: push de ld a,h ld e,l ld h,0 ld d,h add hl,de add hl,de add hl,hl add hl,hl ld e,a srl e srl e srl e add hl,de ld de,plotSScreen add hl,de pop de push hl push bc ld c,d and 7 ld l,a ld h,0 ld de,filledrectangle_table add hl,de ld a,(hl) cpl ld b,a ld a,c and 7 ld l,a ld h,0 ld de,filledrectangle_table_2 add hl,de ld a,(hl) ld c,a push bc pop de pop bc pop hl pop af or a jr z,filledrectangle_4 dec a jr z,filledrectangle_5 filledrectangle_loop: push bc push hl ld a,(hl) xor d ld (hl),a inc hl bit 7,c jr nz,$F ld b,c filledrectangle_loop_2: ld a,(hl) xor 0FFh ld (hl),a inc hl djnz filledrectangle_loop_2 $$: ld a,(hl) xor e ld (hl),a pop hl push de ld de,12 add hl,de pop de pop bc djnz filledrectangle_loop ret filledrectangle_4: push bc push hl ld a,(hl) or d xor d ld (hl),a inc hl bit 7,c jr nz,$F ld b,c filledrectangle_loop_3: ld a,(hl) or 0FFh xor 0FFh ld (hl),a inc hl djnz filledrectangle_loop_3 $$: ld a,(hl) or e xor e ld (hl),a pop hl push de ld de,12 add hl,de pop de pop bc djnz filledrectangle_4 ret filledrectangle_5: push bc push hl ld a,(hl) or d ld (hl),a inc hl bit 7,c jr nz,$F ld b,c filledrectangle_loop_4: ld a,(hl) or 0FFh ld (hl),a inc hl djnz filledrectangle_loop_4 $$: ld a,(hl) or e ld (hl),a pop hl push de ld de,12 add hl,de pop de pop bc djnz filledrectangle_5 ret filledrectangle_table: DB 0 filledrectangle_table_2: DB 80h,0C0h,0E0h,0F0h,0F8h,0FCh,0FEh,0FFh swapram: ld (0FE70h),hl ld (0FE72h),de push bc pop hl swapram_loop: or a ld bc,200 push hl sbc hl,bc jr nc,$F pop bc push bc $$: pop de push hl push bc ld hl,(0FE70h) ld de,0FE74h push bc ldir pop bc ld de,(0FE70h) ld hl,(0FE72h) push bc ldir pop bc ld (0FE70h),de ld de,(0FE72h) ld hl,0FE74h ldir ld (0FE72h),de pop hl ld bc,200 or a sbc hl,bc pop hl ret nz jr swapram_loop freearc: B_CALL ArcChk ld bc,(839Fh) ld (OP1),bc ld bc,(83A1h) ld (OP1+2),bc ld hl,OP3+5 ld b,6 $$: ld de,10 push hl push bc B_CALL Div32By16 pop bc pop hl ld a,(OP2+3) add a,30h ld (hl),a dec hl djnz $B ret curfoldname: push bc push hl ld a,(curfold) or a jr z,curfoldname_1 ld d,a xor a $$: ld b,1 cpir dec d jr nz,$B curfoldname_1: ld de,OP1 B_CALL strcopy pop hl pop bc ret curfoldnamea: ld b,a ld a,(curfold) push af ld a,b ld (curfold),a call curfoldname pop af ld (curfold),a ret put_mirageos_header: ld hl,0202h ld bc,0506h ld ix,MirageHeaderSprite call largespritehl ld b,9 ld hl,plotSScreen invert_lines: ld c,12 $$: ld a,(hl) cpl ld (hl),a inc hl dec c jr nz,$B djnz invert_lines ret invert_1_line: ld b,1 jr invert_lines MirageHeaderSprite: DB 0C6h,0DEh,38h,0F7h,0C3h,8Fh,0EEh,0DBh,6Dh,86h,04h,50h,0FEh,0DEh,7Dh,0B7h DB 84h,4Eh,0D6h,0DBh,6Dh,0B6h,04h,41h,0C6h,0DBh,6Ch,0F7h,0C3h,9Eh,41h,49h DB 5Dh,49h,49h,41h,7Fh,41h,49h,49h,5Dh,49h,41h,2Ah,2Ah,14h,2Ah,2Ah,14h,14h DB 2Ah,14h,14h,55h,6Bh,60h,9Eh,82h,82h,82h,0FEh,60h,0FCh,0CEh,82h,82h,0FEh DB 82h,82h,82h,82h,82h,0FEh,80h,0C0h,0E0h,0C0h,80h put_size_graphic: ld ix,SizeGraphic ld bc,0502h jr ilsprite SizeGraphic: DB 68h,00h,83h,0h,49h,50h,2Ah,64h,0CBh,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h,30h largespritehl: ld a,h jr ilsprite find_num_good_progs: ld hl,0 ld bc,0FFFFh $$: push bc call getnextgoodprog pop bc inc bc jr z,$B ld a,b or a jr nz,$F ld a,c jr find_num_good_progs_1 $$: ld a,0FFh find_num_good_progs_1: ld (numgoodprogs),a ret getinfo: ld b,0 call isgoodprog cp 30h jr z,getinfo_1 cp 11h jr z,getinfo_2 cp 3Eh jr z,getinfo_3 push hl ld bc,30 ld hl,copyBuffer+6 ld de,rambutton ldir ld a,(copyBuffer+5) cp 3 jr nz,$F inc hl inc hl $$: ld de,ramdesc B_CALL strcopy pop hl ld b,80h jr getinfo_5 getinfo_3: push hl pop hl call VATnameToOP1 push hl ld hl,button_1 ld b,1 jr getinfo_6 getinfo_2: push hl ld hl,copyBuffer+5 ld de,ramdesc B_CALL strcopy ld b,20h ld hl,button_2 jr getinfo_6 getinfo_1: push hl ld hl,copyBuffer+7 ld de,ramdesc B_CALL strcopy ld b,02h ld hl,button_3 getinfo_6: ld de,rambutton push bc ld bc,16 ldir ld bc,14 ld hl,button_end ldir pop bc pop hl getinfo_5: dec hl ld a,(hl) inc hl and 80h jr z,$F set 4,b $$: call getSizeOfVATvar ld a,(hl) cp 6 jr nz,$F set 2,b $$: call VATnameToOP1 call getVarPage or a jr z,$F set 3,b $$: ld a,(hl) ld (OP1),a bit 0,(iy+asm_Flag1) ret nz call fillRamsize call parseOP2 call getRamdescPixelWidth bit 0,b ret z push hl push de push bc ld de,ramdesc ld hl,sBasicProgram B_CALL strcopy ld hl,OP2 B_CALL strcopy ld hl,copyBuffer+3 ld a,(hl) cp 2Ah jr nz,getinfo_end inc hl xor a ld de,ramdesc getinfo_parseLoop: ld b,a ld a,(hl) cp 3Fh jr z,getinfo_end ld a,b push de push hl push af B_CALL GET_TOK_STRNG pop af add a,c pop hl pop de cp 28h jr nc,getinfo_end push hl ld hl,OP3 ldir pop hl push af ld a,(hl) inc hl cp 0BBh jr z,getinfo_good cp 0AAh jr z,getinfo_good cp 7Eh jr z,getinfo_good sub 5Ch jr c,getinfo_bad cp 8 jr c,getinfo_good getinfo_bad: pop af jr getinfo_parseLoop getinfo_good: pop af inc hl jr getinfo_parseLoop pop af getinfo_end: xor a ld (de),a pop bc pop de pop hl ret getSizeOfVATvar: push bc call dataPtrToDE call copy100ToMem ld a,(hl) push hl ld hl,copyBuffer B_CALL DataSize pop hl pop bc ret fillRamsize: push hl push af push bc push de xor a ld hl,OP2 ld b,0FFh cpir ld de,OP1+5 or a sbc hl,de pop de add hl,de ld (ramsize),hl pop bc pop af pop hl ret getRamdescPixelWidth: push hl push de push af push bc ld hl,ramdesc ld b,0 grpw_loop: ld a,(hl) or a jr z,grpw_end push hl push bc B_CALL LoadPattern pop bc ld a,(hl) add a,b cp 85 ld b,a pop hl jr c,$F ld (hl),0 dec hl $$: inc hl jr grpw_loop grpw_end: pop bc pop af pop de pop hl ret parseOP2: push hl push af ld hl,OP2 parseOP2_loop: ld a,(hl) or a inc hl jr z,$F cp 7Bh jr nc,parseOP2_loop cp 61h jr c,parseOP2_loop dec hl sub 20h ld (hl),a inc hl jr parseOP2_loop $$: ld hl,OP2 ld a,(hl) bit 4,b jr z,parseOP2_end cp 1Ch jr nz,$F ld (hl),0DCh $$: cp 1Ch jr nc,parseOP2_end add a,40h ld (hl),a parseOP2_end: pop af pop hl ret sBasicProgram: DB "Basic Program: ",0 button_end: DB 00h,00h,36h,58h,2Dh,0A0h,36h,0A8h,25h,58h button_1: DB 00h,00h,00h,00h,65h,0ACh,5Bh,28h,6Eh,0A8h,5Bh,0ACh,60h,00h button_3: DB 00h,00h,2Eh,0E8h,51h,14h,55h,54h,55h,54h,51h,44h,2Eh,0B8h button_2: DB 00h,00h,7Fh,0FCh,47h,64h,6Ah,0B4h,6Bh,6Ch,6Ah,0A4h,6Fh,7Ch,7Fh,0FCh dofoldsortTable: DB 01h,20h,02h,80h arcprog: call getinfo B_CALL Arc_Unarc ret hideprog: call getinfo dec hl ld a,(hl) and 80h jr z,hideprog_1 ld a,(OP1+1) cp 1Ch jr nz,$F ld a,9Ch $$: add a,40h ld (OP1+1),a push hl B_CALL ChkFindSym pop hl ret nc ld a,(hl) xor 80h ld (hl),a ld de,6 sbc hl,de ld a,(OP2) ld (hl),a add hl,de inc hl scf ret hideprog_1: ld a,(OP1+1) cp 0DCh jr nz,$F ld a,5Ch $$: sub 40h ld (OP1+1),a push hl B_CALL ChkFindSym pop hl ret nc ld a,(hl) xor 80h ld (hl),a ld de,6 sbc hl,de ld a,(OP1+1) ld (hl),a add hl,de inc hl scf ret renameprog: ld (progSize),hl ld hl,OP1 ld (hl),5 B_CALL ChkFindSym ret nc ld hl,17 B_CALL EnoughMem ccf ret nc ld hl,0 B_CALL CreateProg push de push hl push hl ld de,OP3 ld bc,6 lddr pop de ld hl,(progSize) ld c,6 lddr ld de,(progSize) ld hl,OP3 ld c,6 lddr pop hl dec hl bit 7,(hl) inc hl jr z,$F dec hl res 7,(hl) inc hl call hideprog $$: pop de ld hl,(progSize) B_CALL DelVar scf ret put_folder_name_top: ld a,(curfold) call curfoldnamea ld hl,OP1 ld e,91 $$: inc hl ld a,(hl) or a jr z,$F ld a,e sub 4 ld e,a jr $B $$: ld d,1 ld hl,OP1 set textInverse,(iy+textFlags) call setvputs res textInverse,(iy+textFlags) ret options_screen: jr ConfigureNoshell put_scrollbar: ld a,b ld c,0 ld (numscrollpixels),a srl b jr nc,$F ld c,1 inc b $$: push bc push hl ld a,h ld b,7 ld ix,scrollSprite1 call isprite pop hl ld a,6 add a,l ld l,a ld (scrollbarcoords),hl inc l pop bc $$: push bc push hl ld ix,scrollSprite2 ld a,h ld b,2 call isprite pop hl pop bc inc l inc l djnz $B ld a,c or a jr z,$F dec l push hl ld ix,scrollSprite3 ld a,h ld b,1 call isprite pop hl $$: ld a,h ld b,7 ld ix,scrollSprite4 jr isprite scrollSprite1: DB 41h,49h,5Dh,49h,49h,41h scrollSprite4: DB 7Fh,41h,49h,49h,5Dh,49h,41h,2Ah,2Ah,14h,2Ah,2Ah,14h,14h,2Ah,14h,14h scrollbarSprite2: DB 2Ah,2Ah,14h,2Ah,2Ah scrollbarSprite1: DB 14h,14h,2Ah,14h,14h scrollSprite2: DB 55h scrollSprite3: DB 6Bh,60h,9Eh,82h,82h,82h,0FEh,60h,0FCh,0CEh,82h,82h,0FEh,82h,82h,82h,82h,82h,0FEh,80h,0C0h,0E0h,0C0h,80h Update_Scrollbar: ld hl,(old_element) ld de,(old_max_elem) call scrollbar_sub Initial_Scrollbar: ld hl,(cur_element) ld (old_element),hl ld de,(max_elements) ld (old_max_elem),de scrollbar_sub: push de dec hl B_CALL SetXXXXOP2 B_CALL OP2ToOP1 pop hl call decHLKeepNonZero B_CALL SetXXXXOP2 B_CALL fpdiv B_CALL OP1ToOP2 ld a,(numscrollpixels) sub 3 push af B_CALL SetXXOP1 B_CALL FPMult B_CALL ConvOP1 ld hl,(scrollbarcoords) ld b,5 ld ix,scrollbarSprite1 or a jr z,Initial_Scrollbar_1 bit 0,a jr z,multResultIsEven ld ix,scrollbarSprite2 multResultIsEven: ld c,a pop af cp c push af ld a,c add a,l ld l,a pop af jr nz,$F dec b $$: ld a,h jr isprite Initial_Scrollbar_1: inc a inc ix dec b jr multResultIsEven decHLKeepNonZero: dec hl ld de,0 call cphlde ret nz ld hl,1 ret existfold: B_CALL PushRealO1 B_CALL PushRealO1 push hl B_CALL PopRealO1 pop hl ld a,(numfolds) inc a ld b,a ld de,OP1 $$: push de call compstrs pop de jr z,$F djnz $B inc b B_CALL PopRealO1 ret $$: ld a,(numfolds) sub b inc a B_CALL PopRealO1 returnZ: cp a ret nextfolder: push hl ld hl,numfolds cp (hl) pop hl ret z inc a call curfoldnamea xor a inc a ld a,b ret sendprog: di call sendprog_main ei ret sendprog_main: ld (tempVATptr),hl ld de,0682h ld (linkBuffer),de ld de,11 ld (linkBuffer+2),de call getSizeOfVATvar ld (linkBuffer+4),de ld (varSize),de push hl B_CALL ZeroOP1 pop hl call getinfo ld de,OP1backup ld hl,OP1 ld bc,9 ldir ld hl,packetData ld bc,11 call getchecksum ld (checksum),hl ld bc,17 ld hl,linkBuffer call sendBCbytesFromHL ret nz ld hl,linkBuffer ld bc,4 call recvBCbytesToHL ret nz ld hl,(linkBuffer) ld de,5682h call cphlde ret nz $$: in a,(4) bit 3,a jr z,recvLinkHandler call getbytetios jr nz,$B cp 82h ret nz ld bc,3 ld hl,linkBuffer call recvBCbytesToHL ret nz ld a,(linkBuffer) cp 9 ret nz ld hl,linkAck ld bc,4 call sendBCbytesFromHL ret nz ld hl,linkData ld bc,2 call sendBCbytesFromHL ret nz ld hl,(varSize) push hl call sendwordtios pop hl ret nz ld hl,(tempVATptr) call dataPtrToDE ex de,hl ld bc,(varSize) call getchecksum ld (lastInsertFlag),hl ld hl,(tempVATptr) call dataPtrToDE ex de,hl ld bc,(varSize) call sendBCbytesFromHL ret nz ld hl,(lastInsertFlag) call sendwordtios ret nz call receiveAcknowledge ret nz ld hl,linkEOT ld bc,4 call sendBCbytesFromHL ret nz receiveAcknowledge; ld hl,linkBuffer ld bc,4 call recvBCbytesToHL ret nz ld hl,(linkBuffer) ld de,5682h jr cphlde recvLinkHandler: or 1 ret sendBCbytesFromHL: push bc push hl ld a,(hl) call sendbytetios pop hl pop bc ret nz inc hl dec bc ld a,b or c ret z jr sendBCbytesFromHL recvBCbytesToHL: push bc push hl call getbytetios pop hl pop bc ret nz ld (hl),a inc hl dec bc ld a,b or c ret z jr recvBCbytesToHL sendwordtios: ld a,l push hl call sendbytetios pop hl ret nz ld a,h jr sendbytetios linkAck: DB 82h,56h,00h,00h linkContinue: DB 82h,09h,00h,00h linkData: DB 82h,15h linkEOT: DB 82h,92h,00h,00h vatswap: call cphlde jr nc,$F ex de,hl $$: push de ld (wTempWord1),hl push hl ld de,-6 add hl,de ld a,(hl) neg ld e,a add hl,de ld (wTempWord2),hl ex de,hl pop hl sbc hl,de ld a,l inc a inc a ld (bTempByte1),a ld hl,(wTempWord1) ld de,bTempBuffer1 ld b,0 ld c,a lddr pop hl ld (wTempWord3),hl push hl ld de,-6 add hl,de ld a,(hl) neg ld e,a add hl,de pop de ex de,hl sbc hl,de ld a,l inc a inc a ld (bTempByte2),a ld hl,(wTempWord3) ld de,bTempBuffer2 ld b,0 ld c,a lddr ld a,(bTempByte2) ld b,a ld a,(bTempByte1) cp b jr z,vatswap_1 jr nc,vatswap_2 sub b neg push af ld hl,(wTempWord3) inc hl push hl ld d,0FFh neg ld e,a add hl,de pop de push de push hl ld hl,(wTempWord2) or a sbc hl,de ld b,h ld c,l pop de pop hl ld a,b or c jr z,$F inc bc ldir $$: ld hl,(wTempWord1) ex de,hl ld hl,bTempBuffer2 ld a,(bTempByte2) ld b,0 ld c,a lddr ld hl,(wTempWord3) pop af neg ld b,0FFh ld c,a add hl,bc ld de,(bTempBuffer1) ex de,hl ld a,(bTempByte1) ld b,0 ld c,a lddr ret vatswap_1: ld hl,(wTempWord1) ex de,hl ld hl,bTempBuffer2 ld a,(bTempByte1) ld b,0 ld c,a lddr ld hl,(wTempWord3) ex de,hl ld hl,bTempBuffer1 ld a,(bTempByte1) ld b,0 ld c,a lddr ret vatswap_2: sub b push af ld hl,(wTempWord2) dec hl push hl ld d,0 ld e,a add hl,de pop de push de push hl ld hl,(wTempWord3) or a ex de,hl sbc hl,de ld b,h ld c,l pop de pop hl ld a,b or c jr z,$F inc bc lddr $$: ld hl,(wTempWord1) ex de,hl ld hl,bTempBuffer2 ld a,(bTempByte2) ld b,0 ld c,a lddr ld hl,(wTempWord3) pop af ld b,0 ld c,a add hl,bc ex de,hl ld hl,bTempBuffer1 ld a,(bTempByte1) ld b,0 ld c,a lddr ret getfoldsort: call getfoldsort_1 inc b dec b jr z,getfoldsort_end sla b $$: rrca djnz $B getfoldsort_end: and 3 ret getfoldsort_1: cp 8 jr c,$F and 1 ld b,a ld hl,savesort3 ld a,(hl) ret $$: cp 4 jr c,$F sub 4 ld b,a ld hl,savesort2 ld a,(hl) ret $$: ld b,a ld hl,savesort1 ld a,(hl) ret setfoldsort: call getfoldsort_1 inc b dec b jr z,setfoldsort_end sla b ld a,3 $$: rlc c rlca djnz $B setfoldsort_end: cpl and (hl) ld (hl),a ld a,c or (hl) ld (hl),a ret dofoldsort: ld b,a ld a,(curfold) push af ld a,b ld (curfold),a or a push af call z,dofoldsort_1 pop af dec a push af call z,dofoldsort_2 pop af dec a push af call z,dofoldsort_3 pop af dec a call z,dofoldsort_4 pop af ld (curfold),a ret dofoldsort_1: ld hl,OP2 ld (progSize),hl jr dofoldsort_2_loop2 dofoldsort_2: ld hl,ramdesc ld (progSize),hl dofoldsort_2_loop2: ld hl,0 dofoldsort_2_loop: call getnextgoodprog ret nz call getinfo push hl ld hl,(progSize) ld de,OP3 B_CALL strcopy pop hl ld (lastInsertFlag),hl call getnextgoodprog ret nz call getinfo push hl ld hl,OP3 ld de,(progSize) call compstrs pop hl jr c,$F ld hl,(lastInsertFlag) jr dofoldsort_2_loop $$: ld de,(lastInsertFlag) call vatswap jr dofoldsort_2_loop2 dofoldsort_3: ld hl,0 dofoldsort_3_loop: call getnextgoodprog ret nz call getinfo ld (lastInsertFlag),hl ld de,(ramsize) ld (progSize),de call getnextgoodprog ret nz call getinfo push hl ld hl,(progSize) ld de,(ramsize) call cphlde pop hl jr c,$F ld hl,(lastInsertFlag) jr dofoldsort_3_loop $$: ld de,(lastInsertFlag) call vatswap jr dofoldsort_3 dofoldsort_4: ld hl,0 dofoldsort_4_loop: call getnextgoodprog ret nz call getinfo ld (lastInsertFlag),hl call dofoldsort_4_sub ld (progSize),a call getnextgoodprog ret nz call getinfo call dofoldsort_4_sub ld b,a ld a,(progSize) cp b jr c,$F ld hl,(lastInsertFlag) jr dofoldsort_4_loop $$: ld de,(lastInsertFlag) call vatswap jr dofoldsort_4 dofoldsort_4_sub: push hl ld a,b and 0E3h ld hl,dofoldsortTable push bc cpir pop hl or a sbc hl,bc ld a,l inc a pop hl ret sortallfolds: ld a,(numfolds) ld b,a xor a $$: push af push bc call dofoldsort pop bc pop af cp b ret z inc a jr $B right_align_value: push de push bc ld hl,ravTable1 bit 7,(iy+asm_Flag1) jr z,$F ld hl,ravTable2 $$: or a jr z,$F ld b,a cp 6 jr c,ravLoop $$: ld b,5 ravLoop: dec b jr z,$F dec hl ld a,e sub 4 ld e,a jr ravLoop $$: call VPutSDE pop de ld a,d or e jr z,ravSetB1 ld hl,10000 ld b,5 $$: dec hl call cphlde inc hl jr c,ravContinue push bc push de B_CALL DivHLBy10 pop de pop bc djnz $B ravContinue: push de pop hl pop de $$: dec b jr z,$F ld a,e sub 4 ld e,a jr $B $$: ld (penCol),de B_CALL SetXXXXOP2 B_CALL OP2ToOP1 ld a,5 B_CALL DispOP1A ret ravTable1: DB 0,6,6,6,6,6 ravTable2: DB 0,78h,0DCh,0BCh,0FCh,0FCh,78h ravSetB1: ld b,1 jr ravContinue VPutSDE: ld (penCol),de VPutSDE_loop: ld a,(hl) inc hl or a ret z cp 0DEh jr nc,$F B_CALL VPutMap jr nc,VPutSDE_loop ret $$: push hl ld hl,stringTable sub 0DDh ld b,a ld d,0 $$: ld e,(hl) add hl,de djnz $B ld b,(hl) dec b $$: inc hl ld a,(hl) B_CALL VPutMap djnz $B pop hl jr VPutSDE_loop stringTable: DB 2," " DB 7,"Tasker" DB 8,"Confirm" DB 7,"Prompt" DB 5,"tion" DB 7,"Protec" DB 9,"Interfac" DB 7,"Enable" DB 5,"Move" DB 10,"Number 0f" DB 15,"Miscellaneous " DB 5,"Prog" DB 9,"Mirage0S" DB 8,"0Ptions" DB 9,"Password" DB 9,"Key Hook" DB 6,"Enter" DB 8,"Select " DB 6,"Trans" DB 6,"Clear" DB 6,"Reset" DB 5,"File" DB 5,"Main" DB 3,"0N" DB 7,"System" DB 5,"Name" DB 13,"Please Wait." DB 12,"Delete This" DB 5,"Sort" DB 5,"Dele" DB 2," " DB 7,"Folder" DB 8,"Program" DB 3," " DB 4," " setupint: di ld hl,interrupt1 ld de,8A4Fh ld bc,interrupt1_end-interrupt1 ;55 ldir ld hl,interrupt2 ld de,8A8Ah ld bc,interrupt2_end-interrupt2 ;114 ldir ld hl,interrupt3 ld de,8C01h ld bc,interrupt3_end-interrupt3 ;27 ldir ld bc,05FFh ld de,8A9Dh ld hl,interrupt4 setupint_loop: rra jr nc,$F push hl push de ldi ldi ldi pop de pop hl $$: inc hl inc hl inc hl inc de inc de inc de djnz setupint_loop ex de,hl rra jr nc,$F ld (hl),0CDh inc hl ld de,(custintaddr) ld (hl),e inc hl ld (hl),d $$: ld a,72 ld (apdTimer),a ld hl,8B00h ld a,h ld i,a dec a ld bc,257 B_CALL MemSet ld hl,statVars xor a ld (hl),a inc hl inc hl ld (hl),a inc hl inc hl ld (hl),a im 2 ei ret interrupt1: xor a ld (1),a in a,(1) inc a jr z,$F ld a,72 ld (apdTimer),a $$: ld a,(apdSubTimer) dec a ld (apdSubTimer),a ret nz dec a ld (apdSubTimer),a ld a,(apdTimer) dec a ld (apdTimer),a ret nz ld a,72 ld (apdTimer),a set 1,(iy+asm_Flag1) set 2,(iy+asm_Flag1) ld a,1 out (3),a ex af,af' exx ei halt ret interrupt1_end: interrupt2: di ex af,af' exx ld hl,flags+asm_Flag1 bit 2,(hl) res 2,(hl) jr nz,jp003Ah ld b,1 $$: B_CALL CpHLDE djnz $B nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop jp003Ah: exx ex af,af' jp 0038h interrupt2_end: interrupt3: ld hl,timer1 ld a,(hl) inc a ld (hl),a inc hl cp (hl) ret nz dec hl ld (hl),0 inc hl inc hl ld a,(hl) inc a ld (hl),a inc hl cp (hl) ret nz dec hl ld (hl),0 inc hl inc hl inc (hl) ret interrupt3_end: interrupt4: call 8C01h call 8AB2h call 8A4Fh call 8ABCh call 8AF3h runprog: ;NOTE! This isn't the real implementation of runprog, this is using the parser hook to do its thing. dec hl dec hl dec hl dec hl dec hl dec hl ld b,(hl) ld de,OP1 $$: inc de dec hl ld a,(hl) ld (de),a djnz $B inc de xor a ld (de),a ld (basic_prog+1),a ld a,ProgObj ld (OP1),a call runProgram ret nz ld hl,$F call APP_PUSH_ERRORH set 1,(iy+08h) B_CALL ParseInp call APP_POP_ERRORH $$: ret gettext: gettextv: delfolder: createfolder: folder_menu_start: general_key_routine: renamefolder: sysmain: move_gui_prog: or 1 scf ret