; The Ion Include File by Dan Englender ; Altered James Montelongo to be used with ti83plus.inc ; ti's inc is more complete ;----> Safe Memory Areas ; saferam1 = 768 bytes (apdram) ; saferam2 = 531 bytes (statram) ; saferam3 = 128 bytes (textmem) ; saferam4 = 66 bytes (ops) ; saferam5 = 10 bytes (imathptrs) #define bcall(xxxx) rst 28h \ .dw xxxx #define bcallz(xxxx) jr nz,$+5 \ rst 28h \ .dw xxxx #define bcallnz(xxxx) jr z,$+5 \ rst 28h \ .dw xxxx #define bcallc(xxxx) jr nc,$+5 \ rst 28h \ .dw xxxx #define bcallnc(xxxx) jr c,$+5 \ rst 28h \ .dw xxxx #define bjump(xxxx) call 50h \ .dw xxxx .addinstr B_CALL * EF 3 NOP 1 ;Not defined in ti83plus.inc libstart =$0004 cmdshad =$966E progstart =$9D95 saferam1 =$86EC ;saveSScreen=768 saferam2 =$8A3A ;statVars=531 saferam3 =$8508 ;textShadow=128 saferam4 =$8478 ;OPs=66 saferam5 =$84D3 ;iMathPtrs=10 saferamp =$9872 ;appBackUpScreen=768 saferamp2 =$8251 ;bootTemp=52 gbuf =$9340 grbuf =$9340 graph_mem =$9340 _copygbuf =$486A _cleargbuf =$4BD0 _clrlcdf =$4540 _clrscrf =$4546 _chksysvar =$42F1 sram =saferam1 apd_buf =saferam1 apdbuf =saferam1 apdram =saferam1 statram =saferam2 statvar =saferam2 text_mem =saferam3 textmem =saferam3 ;-----> Ion Functions lVectors =cmdshad+80 ionVersion =lVectors ionRandom =lVectors+3 ionPutSprite =lVectors+6 ionLargeSprite =lVectors+9 ionGetPixel =lVectors+12 ionFastCopy =lVectors+15 ionDetect =lVectors+18 ionDecompress =lVectors+21 fastcopy =ionFastCopy