import socket, select import os ip = "" status_code = {} status_code['0'] = "Good" status_code['1012'] = "Argument not supported" status_code['1022'] = "File does not exist!" def sendCommand(ip, command): #print("Opening socket") sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((ip, 10001)) #print("Sending command") sock.send(command + "\n") #print("Receiving response") data = "" while 1: got = sock.recv(4096) if not got: break data += got response = data.split("\n", 1) header = response[0].split(" ") data = response[1] response_code = header[0] #print("Handheld responded with status code " + response_code + " (" + status_code[response_code] + ")") if response_code == "0": return (data, header, sock) else: return (None, header, sock) def sendData(sock, command): sock.send(command) data = "" while 1: got = sock.recv(4096) if not got: break data += got response = data.split("\n", 1) header = response[0].split(" ") return (None, header) def dir(path): response = sendCommand(ip, "dir " + path) sock = response[2] sock.close() if response[0] != None: dirs = response[0].split("\n\n") print("Content of " + path) print("Size" + "\t" + "Time" + "\t" + "Bits" + "\t\t" + "Name") for dir in dirs: if dir == "": break data = dir.split("\n") name = data[0] size = data[1].split("=")[1] time = data[2].split("=")[1] tyep = data[3].split("=")[1] bits = data[4].split("=")[1] if tyep == "0": print(size + "\t" + time + "\t" + bits + "\t\t" + name) else: print(size + "\t" + time + "\t" + bits + "\t\t" + "<"+ name + ">") else: print(path + " is not a directory or does not exists! (" + response[1][0] + ")") def get(path, fle): response = sendCommand(ip, "fget " + path ) sock = response[2] sock.close() if response[0]: print("Received file of " + response[1][1] + " bytes long") FILE = open(fle, "wb") FILE.write(response[0]) FILE.close() print("Wrote data to " + fle) else: print("Failed to get file ! (" + response[1][0] + ")") def put(local, path): file = open(local, "rb") content = file.close() sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((ip, 10001)) response = sock.send("fput " + path + " " + str(len(content)) + " 0\n") #sock = response[2] sendData(sock, content) sock.close() if response[1][0] == "0" and False: response = sendData(sock, content) if response[1][0] == "0": print("File send") else: print("Failed to send file (" + response[1][0] + ")") else: print("Error while starting transfer (" + response[1][0] + ")") sock.close() def attr(path): response = sendCommand(ip,"attr " + path) sock = response[2] sock.close() lines = response[0].split("\n\n") if response[0]: for line in lines: print(line) else: print("Failed to response ! (" + response[1][0] + ")") def mkdir(path): response = sendCommand(ip, "mkdir " + path) sock = response[2] sock.close() if response[0] != None: lines = response[0].split("\n") for line in lines: print line else: print("mkdir failed! (" + response[1][0] + ")") def rmdir(path): response = sendCommand(ip, "rmdir " + path) sock = response[2] sock.close() if response[0] != None: lines = response[0].split("\n") for line in lines: print line else: print("mkdir failed! (" + response[1][0] + ")") def fdel(path): response = sendCommand(ip, "fdel " + path) sock = response[2] sock.close() if response[0] != None: lines = response[0].split("\n") for line in lines: print line else: print("fdel failed! (" + response[1][0] + ")") def move(src, dest): response = sendCommand(ip, "move " + path + " " + dest) sock = response[2] sock.close() if response[0] != None: lines = response[0].split("\n") for line in lines: print line else: print("move failed! (" + response[1][0] + ")") def copy(src, dest): response = sendCommand(ip, "copy " + path + " " + dest) sock = response[2] sock.close() if response[0] != None: lines = response[0].split("\n") for line in lines: print line else: print("copy failed! (" + response[1][0] + ")") def info(num): response = sendCommand(ip, "info " + num) sock = response[2] sock.close() if response[0] != None: lines = response[0].split("\n\n") for line in lines: if line == "": break else: print(line) else: print("info failed! (" + response[1][0] + ")") def scrn(path, fle): response = sendCommand(ip, "scrn 1 0 38400") sock = response[2] sock.close() # header BMP = "\x42\x4D\x0E\x9E\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x76\x00\x00\x00" # dib header BMP += "\x28\x00\x00\x00\x40\x01\x00\x00\xF0\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x96\x00\x00\xC4\x0E\x00\x00\xC4\x0E\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" # 4bit greyscale palette BMP += "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x11\x11\x11\x00\x22\x22\x22\x00\x33\x33\x33\x00" BMP += "\x44\x44\x44\x00\x55\x55\x55\x00\x66\x66\x66\x00\x77\x77\x77\x00" BMP += "\x88\x88\x88\x00\x99\x99\x99\x00\xAA\xAA\xAA\x00\xBB\xBB\xBB\x00" BMP += "\xCC\xCC\xCC\x00\xDD\xDD\xDD\x00\xEE\xEE\xEE\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00" if response[0]: print("Received screen dump file of " + response[1][1] + " bytes long") FILE = open(fle, "wb") FILE.write(BMP) for r in xrange(38400, 0,-160): FILE.write(response[0][r-160:r]) # get file upside down FILE.close() print("Wrote data to " + fle) else: print("Failed to get screen file ! (" + response[1][0] + ")") def stat(num): response = sendCommand(ip, "stat " + num) sock = response[2] sock.close() lines = response[0].split("\n\n") if response[0]: for line in lines: print(line) else: print("stat Failed to response ! (" + response[1][0] + ")") def dbg(cmd): cmdline = "" for arg in cmd: cmdline = cmdline + arg + " " response = sendCommand(ip, cmdline) sock = response[2] sock.close() lines = response[0].split("\n\n") if response[0]: for line in lines: print(line) else: print("No line response, exit code: (" + response[1][0] + ")") def osupg(f1, f2): file1 = open(f1, "rb") file2 = open(f2, "rb") content1 = content1 = file1.close() file2.close() sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((ip, 10001)) response = sock.send("osupg /phx/tmp/manifest_img /phx/tmp/phoenix.img\n") sendData(sock, content1) sock.close() if response[1][0] == "0" and False: response = sendData(sock, content2) if response[1][0] == "0": print("File send") else: print("Failed to send file (" + response[1][0] + ")") else: print("Error while starting transfer (" + response[1][0] + ")") sock.close() print ("Usage") print ("dir /phx/path/") print ("get /phx/path/ /localpath/") print ("put /localpath/ /phx/path/") print ("move /localpath/ /phx/path/") print ("copy /localpath/f1 /phx/path/f2") print ("fdel /localpath/file") print ("mkdir /phx/path/") print ("rmdir /phx/path/") print ("info #") print ("stat #") print ("attr /phx/path/dir") print ("scrn ") print ("osupg - not implemented") print ("quit - quit TCP session\n") # IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : ipinfo = os.popen("ipconfig") for line in ipinfo.readlines(): if line.find("IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . .") != -1: # Win32 ipconfig print line ip = line[44:-2] if line.find("IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . .") != -1: # Win64 ipconfig ip = line[40:-1] if line.find("IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . .") != -1 or line.find("IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . .") != -1: if ip[-1:] == '0': ip = ip[:-1] + "1" ; continue if ip[-1:] == '1': ip = ip[:-1] + "2" ; continue if ip[-1:] == '2': ip = ip[:-1] + "3" ; continue if ip[-1:] == '3': ip = ip[:-1] + "4" ; continue if ip[-1:] == '4': ip = ip[:-1] + "5" ; continue if ip[-1:] == '5': ip = ip[:-1] + "6" ; continue if ip[-1:] == '6': ip = ip[:-1] + "7" ; continue if ip[-1:] == '7': ip = ip[:-1] + "8" ; continue if ip[-1:] == '8': ip = ip[:-1] + "9" continue if ip[-1:] == '9': ip = ip[:-1] + "0" if ip[-2:-1] == '0': ip = ip[:-2] + "10" if ip[-2:-1] == '1': ip = ip[:-2] + "20" if ip[-2:-1] == '2': ip = ip[:-2] + "30" if ip[-2:-1] == '3': ip = ip[:-2] + "40" if ip[-2:-1] == '4': ip = ip[:-2] + "50" if ip[-2:-1] == '5': ip = ip[:-2] + "60" if ip[-2:-1] == '6': ip = ip[:-2] + "70" if ip[-2:-1] == '7': ip = ip[:-2] + "80" if ip[-2:-1] == '8': ip = ip[:-2] + "90" print "CAS+ ip:",ip while True: inp = raw_input(">").split() if len(inp)>0: if inp[0] == "dir": path = "/" if len(inp) >= 2: path = inp[1] dir(path) if inp[0] == "mkdir": path = "/phx/tmp/dummy" if len(inp) >= 2: path = inp[1] mkdir(path) if inp[0] == "rmdir": path = "/phx/tmp/dummy" if len(inp) >= 2: path = inp[1] rmdir(path) if inp[0] == "move": if len(inp) == 3: move(inp[1], inp[2]) if inp[0] == "copy": if len(inp) == 3: copy(inp[1], inp[2]) if inp[0] == "fdel": if len(inp) == 2: fdel(inp[1]) elif inp[0] == "get": path = "/" fle = "blaap" if len(inp) >= 2: path = inp[1] if len(inp) >= 3: fle = inp[2] get(path, fle) elif inp[0] == "put": if len(inp) == 3: put(inp[1], inp[2]) elif inp[0] == "info": num = "1" if len(inp) >= 2: num = inp[1] info(num) elif inp[0] == "attr": if len(inp) >= 2: path = inp[1] attr(path) elif inp[0] == "stat": num = "1" if len(inp) >= 2: num = inp[1] stat(num) elif inp[0] == "scrn": path = "./" fle = "cas+scrn.bmp" if len(inp) >= 2: path = inp[1] if len(inp) >= 3: fle = inp[2] scrn(path, fle) elif inp[0] == "debug": inp.pop(0) dbg(inp) elif inp[0] == "quit": break