Title: Zfrac Platform: TI 83/82Stats/76.fr TI-83+/84 TI-84+C TI-83Premium/84+CE Language: Assembly Release Date: 22/02/13 Ok first of all feel free to use this routine in any of your programs but I would appreciate it if you accknowledged me. For requests/bugs I can be contacted at andreanx@hotmail.com This a simple program but extremely usefull. What it does is takes the number in W and splits it into numerator and denominator. The Numeerator is stored as W and the denominator as I. It can also be used to check if a number is irrational or an integer. If after running zfrac W=I the original number (retained in W) is an integer. If I=1*10^-11 then the number is irrational and cannot be simplified. See the screenshots for an example of its power. Questions? Suggestions? Contact me andreanx@hotmail.com :-)