import time _starttime = time.clock() print "Loading modules..." from PIL import Image import os,sys,ctypes np = os.path.normpath se = os.path.splitext bn = os.path.basename cd = os.getcwd() curptr = 0xC000 outarr = [] # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- def ensure_dir(d): if not os.path.isdir(d): os.makedirs(d) return def readFile(file): a = [] f = open(file,'rb') b = while b!=b'': a.append(ord(b)) b = f.close() return a def writeFile(file,a): f = open(file,'wb+') f.write(bytearray(a)) f.close() def appendFile(file,a): f = open(file,'ab') f.write(bytearray(a)) f.close() def silentremove(file): try: os.remove(file) except: pass # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- def rgb2xlc(rgb): # G5:7 to 0:2 ; B6:7 to 3:4 ; R5:7 to 5:7 a = (rgb[1]>>5)&0b00000111 a = a | ((rgb[2]>>3)&0b00011000) a = a | (rgb[0]&0b11100000) return a def img2cse(infile): f = i = list(f.convert("RGB").getdata()) if (f.mode != "RGB") else list(f.getdata()) o = [] w = f.size[0] h = f.size[1] for y in range(h): for x in range(w): o.append(rgb2xlc(i[(y*w)+x])) return (w,h,o) def img2bw(infile): f = fc = f.convert('1',dither=Image.NONE) fd = fc.tobytes() fd = [ord(i) for i in fd] w = f.size[0] h = f.size[1] return (w,h,fd) # -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- img = img2bw("pf_tempestra_seven_condensed_modified.png") imgarr = [] tmparr = [] for idx,i in enumerate(img[2]): tmparr.append(i) if (idx%8)==7: imgarr.append(tmparr) tmparr = [] data = "" with open("../src/font.c","wb+") as f: data += "#include \n#include \"font.h\"\n\n" data += "uint8_t font_data["+str(len(img[2]))+"] = {\n\t" for idx,i in enumerate(imgarr): data += ','.join("0x"+format(~a&0xFF,"02X") for a in i) data += ", // Char 0x"+format(idx+32,"02X")+"("+chr(idx+32)+")\n\t" data = data[:len(data)-1] data += "};\n\n" data += "uint8_t font_spacing["+str(len(imgarr))+"] = {\n\t" for idx,i in enumerate(imgarr): widest = 0 for j in i: j = ~j&0xFF tempwidth = 9 for k in range(8): if (j&1)==1: break else: tempwidth-=1 j = j>>1 if tempwidth>widest: widest = tempwidth if widest == 1: widest = 2 data += "0x"+format(widest,"02X") data += ", // Char 0x"+format(idx+32,"02X")+"("+chr(idx+32)+")\n\t" data = data[:len(data)-1] data += "};\n\n" f.write(data) with open("../src/font.h","wb+") as f: f.write("#ifndef FONT_H\n#define FONT_H\n\n"+ "#include \n\n"+ "extern uint8_t font_data["+str(len(img[2]))+"];\n"+ "extern uint8_t font_spacing["+str(len(imgarr))+"];\n"+ "\n#endif")