instructions: ld hl,instructText ld b,7 instruc2: push bc xor a ld (penrow),a push hl B_CALL clrlcdfull pop hl ld b,10 instruc3: push bc xor a ld (pencol),a call vputs pop bc ld a,(penrow) add a,6 ld (penrow),a djnz instruc3 push hl call wait pop hl pop bc djnz instruc2 jp mainmenu instructText: db "This application adds new",0 db "functions to the current",0 db "operating system. Once",0 db "installed, from the",0 db "command prompt, press the",0 db "math button twice to enter",0 db "the Symbolic app's menu.",0 db "Using this menu, you can",0 db "type any of the new",0 db "functions.",0 db "Trig functions",0 db " csc(",llbrack,"real])",0 db " arg1: real #",0 db " returns real #",0 db 0 db "Differentiate function",0 db " d(",llbrack,"str],",llbrack,"str])",0 db " arg1: expression",0 db " arg2: indep. variable",0 db " returns string",0 db "Arc Length function",0 db " arclength(",llbrack,"str],",llbrack,"str],",0 db " ",llbrack,"real] , ",llbrack,"real] )",0 db " arg1: expression",0 db " arg2: indep. variable",0 db " arg3: start of arc",0 db " arg4: end of arc",0 db " returns real #",0 db 0 db 0 db "Simplify function",0 db " simp(",llbrack,"str])",0 db " arg 1: expression",0 db " returns string",0 db 0 db "Sign function",0 db " sign(",llbrack,"real])",0 db " arg1: real #",0 db " returns (|x|/x)",0 db 0 db "Let function",0 db " let(",llbrack,"str],",llbrack,"str])",0 db " arg1: variable set to",0 db " an expression",0 db " arg2: expression containing",0 db " variable",0 db " returns string",0 db 0 db 0 db 0 db "Version function",0 db " version(",llbrack,"real])",0 db " arg1: minimum version #",0 db " returns real (version)",0 db " error if arg1